
How long can eggs last in the fridge?

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How long can eggs last in the fridge?




  1. If you are buying your eggs from the supermarket they are already around two to three weeks old. They can last a further two to three weeks in the fridge. If you are in doubt, cover the egg in cold water. If the egg floats, it is off. If it stands on its end it is still okay but use first. A fresh egg will sit on the bottom of the container.

  2. They should have a sell by date on them.  I generally keep them for up to two weeks past that date.

  3. You shouldn't put eggs in a fridge as the change in temperature can affect them. Think about it - they come from the hen's warm butt!

  4. Here's a quote straight from the USDA (and some extra information that explains the dating)

    Many eggs reach stores only a few days after the hen lays them. Egg cartons with the USDA grade shield on them must display the “pack date” (the day that the eggs were washed, graded, and placed in the carton).

    The number is a three-digit code that represents the consecutive day of the year (the “Julian Date”) starting with January 1 as 001 and ending with December 31 as 365. When a “sell-by” date appears on a carton bearing the USDA grade shield, the code date may not exceed 45 days from the date of pack.

    Use of either a “sell-by” or “Expiration” (EXP) date is not federally required, but may be State required, defined by the egg laws in the State where the eggs are marketed. Some State egg laws do not allow the use of a “sell-by” date. Always purchase eggs before the “sell-by” or “EXP” date on the carton.

    After the eggs reach home, they may be refrigerated 3 to 5 weeks from the day they are placed in the refrigerator. The “sell-by” date will usually expire during that length of time, but the eggs are perfectly safe to use.

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