
How long can fish oil pills be stored?

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I found a bottle of fish oil pills that I had purchased last year. Are they still good? Are they safe to consume, I mean...?




  1. Hi quality fish oil will last over 6 months in the refrigerator.

  2. Store your supplements improperly and they'll break down and lose their potency. Here's how to keep them fully charged:

    * Leave them in the bottles they came in. Most are opaque and keep light out.

    * Store the jars or bottles in a dark, dry place--not your bathroom cabinet. After light, heat is the primary force for triggering chemical breakdowns.

    * Keep the lids closed tightly to keep out excess humidity.

    * Don't throw out the small white packets that come in some bottles. They're desiccants, and they absorb the moisture that would otherwise attack your pills and reduce their effectiveness.

    * A few supplements need special care: Fish oil and probiotics break down at room temperature and need to be stored in the refrigerator. SAMe should be kept tightly capped in your freezer.

    * Keep an eye on expiration dates. Most supplements become much less effective the older they get.

  3. Unless they were sealed and keep at or below room temp, just pitch them. Fish oil is cheap and rancid oils are worse than no oil. Think trans-fats.

  4. Were they stored in the fridge ??  A really good brand like Nordic Naturals will probably be OK.  The  way to tell is cut one open and if it has a fishy smell then pitch them.  That is one of the same way to tell a good fish oil if it smells that means it is getting rotten

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