
How long can goldfish survive for?

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Just wondering how long till mine kark it...




  1. I've got some in my pond that are 6 years old - they live quite awhile.

  2. The record is 49 years, but very few goldfish get the quality of care needed to live so long. An average pet goldfish will live anywhere from 3 to 10 years. A goldfish kept in a bowl or other substandard conditions won't live nearly so long.

  3. With proper care (meaning a properly filtered properly sized tank or pond) a common goldfish can live for 25+ years and a fancy  for 10+ yrs.  In a bowl, to small tank or poorly filtered/unfiltered tank not very long  

  4. It depends on the goldfish, and where the goldfish is being kept. 10-20 years. The oldest goldfish was 49 years old.

  5. The average life span of a fancy goldfish is upwards of 12 years. They can live much longer, even up to 20 years of age, when given the correct environmental conditions. Taking on the responsibility of caring for a goldfish is quite a commitment!

  6. Goldfish are very hardy (that's why they survive in bowls for a while even though it is a very bad home for them) some can live for more than 20 years! They will live more in a pond or very large tank with good filtering and regular water changes. The minimum size tank for 1 goldfish is 20 gallons and in this tank with filtering and water changes they could live for a good amount of time (5+ years)

  7. I would say more than a year or so.I have one gold fish who's been alive for 7 years.

  8. Fish should not survive, they should thrive and in a proper tank, they can live upwards of 15+ years.  

  9. Goldfish that are given the right conditions will thrive. An aquarium kept goldfish will usually live to a age of 15 before karking it. The oldest common goldfish was 43 before it died. It did not get that large but did live long. Fancy varieties generally are more delicate and live for about 10 years while the single tails live about 5 years more.

    Pond kept goldfish grow much larger and usually live longer because they have plenty of protein (mosquito, dapnia, etc) and plenty of space to grow, enabling the hormone they produce to stunt themselves.

    Proof : The goldfish that lived for 43 years old (lived in a small tank) was the same size (11.5cm) as my 4 year old pond comets.

    My oldest goldfish I have kept is an comet who lived for 18 years and lived half its life in a tank. I moved him to pond beacuse he was abit too rough on the ladies and was getting too big, hurting others and hogging all the food.

  10. fggfdgfd

  11. ages and ages he'll be pretty big we he 'karks it" lol

  12. Goldfish are the longest lived of any domesticated fish. They will easily outlive your cat or dog.

    Exactly how long they live depends on the breed and how well it is cared for. A well cared for fancy goldfish will probably outlive a common goldfish that is not cared for very well.

    But in general, exotic varieties (Bubble eyes, Lionheads, Orandas, ect...) probably wont live much past 15 even under ideal conditions. Common goldfish, Comets, Shubunkins could live to be 30 or more. The oldest documented goldfish lived to be well over 40, and there are unconfirmed claims of one living over 70.  

  13. well one time my mom was at a clients house and her client like there these goldfish in a bucket in the trash in the middle of December!! and my mom took them home and they all lasted about 5 years!! but they were REALLY big goldfish. like the one on elmo  

  14. Yep they are right 10-20 years :) I work at a petshop and they are right. As long as you keep the PH levels correct and remember, a gold fishes stomach is only as big as their eye. So one pinch of food per goldfish. :)

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