
How long can i be suspended form work on full pay pending investigation?

by Guest57896  |  earlier

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How long can i be suspended form work on full pay pending investigation?




  1. Depends what your contract says and what your work policy is - it varies from company to company.

  2. It is for however long the investigation takes.  They will have to get their facts and evidence before actually accusing you of anything.

    Make sure that you get a Union Representative in the meeting with you, if you have a union within your work place.

    Make sure you do receive full pay until you are actually called in to the meeting.

  3. as long as it takes. They are going to try to make it quick, and probably try to get rid of you.

  4. Depends what you did,

  5. Legally if you are on full pay, then they can suspend you for as long as they want (but they still have to pay you at full rate). If this is the case make sure that you have a good union representative (you probably have one anyway). It is always worth remembering if you are being investigated then you have complete access to all Statements and documents relating to your case, these will be obtained by your representative. I would also like to say that many companies nowadays say they don't recognise unions and won't allow union officials into disciplinary hearings, this is, as they say, Boll*cks! If a company, public, private, charity etc... refuses to allow your union representative into a disciplinary hearing they are technically breaking the law and you can report them to ACAS, the union would do this anyway.

    Remember there is STILL power in a Union!

    Good luck and don't let the Bast*rds grind you down.

  6. like the others say it depends on what u have done, but most ppl i know who ended up in same situation seemed to be on full pay for a couple weeks then sacked

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