
How long can i keep my computer working with out shutting down?

by  |  earlier

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I am afraid to put my computer working for more than 4 hours. So after 4 hours i usually shutdown my computer and power it on only after an half hour. i had read some where that a computer can work for many hours with out rest. well some body help me deciding this - how long can i keep my computer working with out shutting down?.




  1. If u r using ur computer for a high end applications like Games, Hard core softwares. of course it requires a rest. But if ur running a small applications i am sure nothing would happens to ur computer even if u keep it on for days together. U might have seen in some companies or offices, servers wont be off any time. They keep it on throught the year. More over it also depends on ur comp configuration.  

  2. I have several in my internet cafe that have been running continuously since Feb. 2006.

  3. I have systems thats been on for 6 months with out a restart.  You can leave it one for aslong as you need,  its best to schedule admin tasks at the times the system is not going to be in use.  If you or anyone else you know has anytype of computer question or issue check out for more help

  4. Your computer could run for months without rest, but its good to shut it down every once in a while to let it right the wrongs and put everything back in order. If your going to go to sleep or leave from work, shut it down, but unless you have a problem (slow speeds, freezing, general issues) you can use it as long as you want.  

  5. If you are using windows,  then running it continuosy would make it crash after 49. days. The reason being , the Virtual Machine Manager (here after referred as VMM) is responsible for creation, execution, monitoring and termination of virtual machines in windows. This VMM, which is a 32 bit, protected mode operating system entity, provides a number of system services at chip level. One of these services is "Get_System_Time". This particular service loads the EAX register with the time in milliseconds since Windows started on that machine. This service is accurate to 1 ms. EAX is a 32 bit register in Intel 386 Processor onwards.

    So the maximum number of milliseconds it can hold is

    (232)-1 = 4294967295 milliseconds = 4294967.295 seconds = 71582.79 minutes = 1193 hours = 49.7 days.

  6. it keeps on working 24 hours a day...........if you are not comfortable with that just go to start button and then click shut down button....and then there will a message and then choose stand by...instead of shut down or restart.....thats wot i do....thats wot it is for.....

    Hope i helped>

  7. You can keep it running 24 hours a day, but I'd recommend shutting it down after 12 hours for at least half an hour.

  8. It depends on your configurations, and mostly, coolers (on CPU, power, video card). But be free to go over the 4 hours :) I haven't turned off my old computer in over two weeks and it works just fine. Try to install video card/motherboard utillity programs which can show you the current temperatures of your CPU, MB and GPU.

  9. It can go for a long time, I suggest shutting it off at night, just so It can cool down, and your ram can reset.

    hoot ;)

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