
How long can i stay in spain on my uk passport?

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is it 6 months?




  1. Pretty much indefinitely - the joys of the European Union. But you probably have to register somewhere.

    The rules on residencia cards in Spain have been changed recently, and if you are an EU citizen and you have a job in Spain - either as an employee or as a self employed person - you do not have to apply for a residencia card. If however you are from outside the EU or if you are retired/unemployed, then you should apply if you stay in Spain for more than 6 months.

    Whether you need a residency card or not, the British consulate advise you to get one anyway because, among other things, it saves you from carrying your passport around as ID and makes many bureaucratic processes much easier If you don't get a residency card, you will need a NIE (numero de identificacion de extranjeros, or foreigner's ID number) before you can open a bank account or get a job, and you will need a NIE before you can apply for residency. Forms for both are available from the extranjeros department at the local Comisaria, or police station (for the national police force that is, not the local police), but you can get a gestor to apply for you.

    For residency you will need:

    proof of income (a job, very healthy savings account, pension etc)

    proof of either social security payments or private medical insurance

    your passport

    finally if you are married and one of you will be dependent on the other, you will need your marriage certificate.

    Good luck.

  2. Yep -EU - free movement of people.

  3. As long as you want to as its in Europe. However you will  need to renew your UK passport when it expires and register with the Spanish social security system.

  4. We are part of the EEC but follow questers advice which is max 6 mumphs; you need to register so you can get health care etc.

  5. till it runs out

  6. the rest of your life

  7. As long as you like as it's in europe.

  8. As long as you like.

  9. Indefinitely as long as you get a Residencia - quite easy to do as long as your originally from the EU anyway. I never got mine sorted and stayed for 3 months working, but I would recommend you sort it out as soon as possible after you arrive if you know you're staying a while.

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