
How long can i stay in the uk for? im 18....?

by  |  earlier

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I want to stay for a year with some friends,maybe take a class and get a job to pay for rent.

can i not stay for a year? or do i need some kind of pass or test?




  1. im only 17 but im obsessed with the UK (never been there) but i will live there some day :) so im very jealous that u get to go!

    anyways... i read on the UK all the time and i know that if you are staying there for more than 6 months youll need to get a visa, but their about $170 too.


    theres different types of visas..

    theres a work visa - if u plan on working there, but you need to be employed before hand.

    theres a student visa - if u plan on studying overseas

    theres marriage, and theres also a tourist visa

    i dont think theres a test just some forms and things, and of course u need a passport!

    and if you do go you should register your trip with the US Embassy, in case of an emergency they will be able to locate your info faster and such, you can do that at and chose long-term traveler

    and to apply for a visa online you can go to

    hope this helps! and if u need any more info just ask! im currently reading a book called 'when in london, live like a local' and it tells u everything u need! so just let me know!

  2. You can visit the UK for 6 months provided you

    a) leave at the end of that time

    b) have enough money to support yourself during your stay

    If you want to stay longer, or work or study while you're here you need to apply for a permit.

    The Foreign Office website has all the official information you need.

    It's wise following their instructions, as you might not be allowed to enter the country or be asked to leave early if you arrive with the wrong paperwork.

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