
How long can i stay on my dads insurance if i go to college?

by Guest66827  |  earlier

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How long can i stay on my dads insurance if i go to college?




  1. what type ins?




  2. It's entirely up to his plan.  Most plans would require you to remain his dependent, stay a full time student, and allow you to stay on the insurance until you turn 23.

  3. Until you graduate, most insurance companies just ask for a proof of enrollment from school.

  4. He'll have to read the fine print on all the paperwork he got when he signed up for his particular policy, or just ask someone at the HR department where he works. Or he could call the customer service number on the back of his card -- they'll be able to tell him.

  5. You can stay on your Father's insurance until you have graduated from school, with a letter from the school stating that you are still attending,  There  is a age limit also.  I would have your father check with his HR and see how the contracts are written.

  6. That depends on what his policy says.

  7. For health insurance, it depends on the policy but it is is generally 24 as long as you are enrolled as a full time student. Have him call the Benefits office for details.

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