
How long can it really go on like this?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 39+1 and as of last week I was 3cm, 75%, lost my plug among other things like burst of energy and yet I find myself still not having any real contractions! To add insult to injury my lower abdomen, pubic area and inner thighs are all very very sore feeling. Did I mention that I am nauseous?!? How long can I continue on like this with out going into labor??? I am miserable!




  1. Have your doctor induce labor, since you are full term.  You'll be fine.

  2. i would be asking to be induced. sounds like you bub is ready enough if your dilating and if your feeling nauseous, your well on your way. the fact that your pubic, lower abs, and legs is an idicator that your in labour as such ( minus the contractions), maybe you are haivng very small contractions that your unaware of. u may be one of the lucky ones, who goes into labour and has it all over and done with in and hour or two. i know my sister in law was like you are now with her second and she nearly didn't make it to the hospital on time as her contractions came thick and fast and so did bub- she was in labour for 45 minutes before bub was born. good luck with your upcoming birth.

  3. Have you talked to your doctor? Maybe he would induce.  

  4. it really wont be much longer i promise it sounds prretty close to me have some raspberry leaf tea n some evening primrose

  5. I went 41 + 3, and i was feeling as bad as you! it seems forvever at the time, but it wont be much longer i promise! I started labour when i was cleaning out my sister-in law's rabbit hutch!! i was determined to get things moving...try to keep busy..give the house a good clean, usually doing something fairly strenuous helps..but dont injure yourself, or over do it, and enjoy the peace and quiet and time by yourself while you can! life will be so hectic in a few days, you wont have any tim for yourself...hope everything goes well!  

  6. go for a walk everyday that might help.

  7. Not much longer, truly.  To encourage yourself, remember that the lungs develop last and that every minute longer that the baby stays in, his lungs are developing even that much more.  

    I went 42.5 weeks.  I understand the frustration of waiting very well and the daily pain.  

    Once the baby is born and you are holding a strong, robust baby, you will be so happy that he waited as long as he did.  

    When I had my 8.5 pounder with his hearty appetite and 95th percentile ratings and saw other women's little babies who looked scrawny or sickly, I sincerely thanked the Lord that it took as long as it did and that he was doing so well.  

  8. Emm...My advise to you would be PLS GO SEE A DOCTOR RITE AWAY , this is not a best site to come seek answer to something as critical as you described actually when you're health is concerned and also you're baby's health is concerned , just don't look for advises on internet . you need medical treatment not advise , get an appointment to a good doctor as soon as you can .

    Get Well soon.

  9. in all honesty it could happen anytime.

    It could be an hour, or another week..sorry darling, i know its not fun.

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