
How long can it take after stopping birth control to get pregnant?

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I have been off BC for six months and my husband and i are really trying, my periods are later every month and this month it's just some spotting. Could something be wrong? I already have a child from a previous incounter.




  1. it dependes on ur body,take a blood test







  3. It depends on the method of BC you used.

    If you took the pill, you should expect to see a return to fertility within 6-8 months, and with the Depo injection, it could take up to a year after the last shot.

    If you are having irregular periods and/or long cycles, it may be worth getting an appointment with a Gynaecologist just to get checked over, and rule out any problems that may have occurred whilst you were on BC.

    In the meantime, keep charting your fertility signs, and doing monthly OPKs to check if your ovulating at all. It will come in handy if you need further investigation

    Good Luck!

  4. You can get pregnant as soon as you stop the pill, but everyone is different. We weren't TTC then but just in general it took my body 6 months or so to "recover" from being on the pill. If you are having progressively more irregular periods, you should check in with your doctor. It might be nothing but if nothing else irregular periods make it harder to tell when you are ovulating- the doctor can give you some tips.

  5. it only took me a month to get pregnant after i stopped taking mine. but everyone could be different. also it might depend on how long you have been taking birth control.

  6. It can take up to a year.  Some people will get pregnant right away, and others can take 6 months to a year.  If it has been more than a year, you might want to talk to your doctor about it, but since it has only been 6 months I wouldn't worry yet.

  7. Usually takes between 6 months to 12 months. Some woman get pregnant right away, while others get pregnant 14 or 15 months after. If you still are not pregnant after 12 months, I would talk to your gyno. Odds are at this point he/she will only tell you to wait another 6 months anyways.

  8. It varies for every woman...I was on BCP for 17 years and when I came off them my cycle was 40-60 days without any thermal shift in temps so I wasn't ovulating.  So after months of trying and not being sure what the heck my body was doing I asked my GP at my annual if he thought 50mg Clomid might work to get my cycles back and he said it was worth a shot.  After 6 months on Clomid I stopped that medication and ever since my cycle is back to normal on it's own, this has been for the last 7 cycles.  Still TTC#1 but happy to know my body is at least ovulating!  I'd talk to your doctor about what they think might be going on.  Good luck!

  9. It could take the same amount of time you took the pill for you to be able to have if you took BC for 4 yrs then it could take 4 yrs to be able to conceive. If you took it faithfully and right on the dot, it could take a while, but if you hardly remembered to take it at diff times then it could take less cause it wasnt fully working all the time. Dont TRY to concieve or it will be harder for you, just have fun and relac doing will come some day just be patient.

  10. i would ask my doctor, or read the birth control package.

  11. It varies from woman to woman; however, it sounds like you may need to see a gynecologist.  If your periods are getting lighter and lighter for no reason, you need to find out why, it may be interfering with your pregnancy attempts.

  12. ask your gynecologist

  13. It all depends on your body. Some people get pregnant right away while other it can take months.  

  14. Everyone is different. I was on BC for 10 years and got pregnant a month and a half after stopping it.  

  15. It really depends on which BC you are using.Women who use pills have longer side effects such as disturb or irregular menstrual  cycle.some women who use the pills for long time dont get any periods at all in most of the cases ( Situation varries).

    If you are using condoms only than your chances are high to get pregnant.

    You should consult your doc in this matter.

    Hopefully it will help you.

  16. sorry im a dude

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