
How long can it take for a pregnancy test to read positive?

by  |  earlier

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i'm 6 days late now and i took a test this morning but it was negative. i believe i'm pregnant, i had unprotected s*x on the days i was fertile (stupid i know) and i had a fever and bad headache yesterday. my period is never ever late its always every 28 days. i've been having slights pains in my stomach on and off for a couple weeks. about a week ago my b***s were sore like my period was about to start but it never did. how long can it take to get a positive result?




  1. I'm not sure because I alvvays found out on the day my periods vvere due. I guess they could probably take up to a couple vveeks after your missed period. Maybe vvait til next vveek and take another, if you still havent started and you are getting negatives then call your dr and have a blood test done. Good Luck

  2. Mine took exactly two weeks.

    Call 1-800-395-HELP 24 hours a day when you're scared or just need someone to talk to.  They calmed me down so much.  I just needed to talk to someone and there was, at least at that moment, no one I felt I could talk to, not even my best friend (who I did call later. And she's awesome. I love her.).

    Hugs! Don't beat yourself up too bad. If you are pregnant, it will be ok. :) Just breathe and talk to someone who can help you through the whole pregnancy.

  3. take a blood test its more accurate

  4. Can take up to 10 weeks

  5. oh boy where to start...

    usually your hormones are strong enough to tell that you're pregnant by the time you miss your period. However some  tests can be faulty, I would recommend taking another one.

    There's also the issue that when you're stressing out it can make your period run late or skip all together (this happened to me when I had a scare, I panicked so much about the possibility of being pregnant that it made my period late). And thinking you're pregnant can cause false symptoms (had this happen too -.-).  At a time like this it is good to know the time lines of certain things happening for pregnant women, pregnant women get sharp pains low in their stomach at around 3 or 4 months when the baby starts stretching their uterus to accommodate them, if you're only 6 days late, the most you'd be feeling down there if you were pregnant is a "heavy" feeling (like right before a very heavy period)

    Over all if you really think you are pregnant I would suggest going to the doctor and getting a blood test done to be 100% sure. If you're a minor or don't have the money to see a doctor then you can call plannedparenthood in your area or some other kind of free clinic

  6. until your body start to create that chemical that the preg. test is looking for it could take a few weeks late.  good luck to you.

  7. It should have been about five days. Your on 6... Might want to go to a dotor to find out since your past 5.

  8. Even a negative result from a home pregnancy test, is not always accurate.  Go to the doctor.

  9. some woman don't show a pos straight away, i would do a test in a few days time if still neg, i would go to the doctors and ask for a blood test

  10. i found out a week late

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