
How long can my goldfish stay in his tank?

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I've been keeping my 3 1/2 inch Oranda goldfish in a five gallon tank with excellent filtration and frequent water changes. When do I need to upgrade to a ten gallon?




  1. He should be alright for a little while. The rule for gold fish is 2 inches of fish for every gallon. You should test your water for ammonia. If it is high, then it's time to upgrade. Don't overcrowd the tank with too much stuff, and start saving up for a 10 gallon tank. You should be able to get a 10 gallon gold fish kit for around 40-50 dollars. But make sure you check your water quality and monitor it often, at least once a week. You might be able to take a sample into a pet store and have them test it for you.

  2. if you want your oranda will be full grown upgrade the sooner the better and don't buy 10 gallons buy the biggest possible tank you can afford.

    kOi keeper & goldfish keeper

  3. NOW! Better yet upgrade to a 15 or 20...because goldfish need a lot of room because they grow big, and they will get a growth stunt

    Also Goldfish are messy and produce a lot of waste, and to much for a 5 gallon tank

  4. The expert at the pet store I worked at always said about "1 inch of fish per 1 inch of tank". I would suggest changing him to a 10 gallon aquarium after probably another 1/2 inch to an inch if you absolutely want to wait.

    However, the best thing to do is get the aquarium now and get it running to begin with.

  5. now

    but it needs a 20 gallon minimum

  6. it will live so when you can also you can stunt his/her growth

  7. first of all, how many goldfish, because they can get alot bigger than people think, they really are not beginner fish, and they need at least a 55gallon tank, also pending on how many you have.....

  8. A long time ago.  A goldfish should be in a minimum of a 20 gallon tank.  Small spaces causes stunting leading to organ failure.  Filters only remove debris, ammonia still builds up to toxic levels.


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