
How long can one handle wisdom tooth pain? Any advice?

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I have four impacted wisdom teeth. There was a red bump on them that kept getting inflamed and I was supposed to get them out tomorrow but we can't afford what the insurence wouldn't pay. So I have to wait five months until Christmas... is that even possible? I've started to get real pain from them, a terrible dull ache, and I don't know if I can last 5 months. Any advice to help with the pain? Is it even possible to wait that long?




  1. if you'd said 2 months, I'd say that that's fine, but 5months could be too long.

    the pain will subside for now but it will come back here and then getting worse and worse in each dose. It also depends where you teeth are growing. If they are growing inwards, you have more of a chance to wreck the rest of your teeth, but if it is growing outwards, although it will do less damage, the pain will be a lot worse against your cheek.

    if I was you, get a loan, or go abroad! I'm in Estonia at the moment, and I've just had my wisdom teeth out for £60. And it was done very well (due to the fact that dentists here are regulated by the EU).

    I hope I've helped. My teeth were hurting so much until I had them out, and if I wasn't a dental student, i'd have been scared!!!


    the other problem is that you might become immune to ibuprofen, or penecillin (the pills recommended for you to take as painkillers). If you do wait 5 months, make sure that you only take them once every 3 days or so, or you'll never have the benefits of them again!

  2. It's all going to be based on your own level of tolerance, if you can afford antibiotics and some type of pain reliever you should do that until December, because if it gets worse and you can't take them out, you run the risk of infection... hope this helps!

  3. Hey I'm a dental assistant for the army. When those wisdom teeth give you pain they def need to come out!!! An infection can occur under the gums which will probably hurt more. Pills can only cover pain for 2 or 3 hrs but not sure if its healthy to do that till Dec? you will not last till then. You should work something out with the dentist or consider a loan.

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