
How long can someone live with Anorexia before they die from it?

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How long can someone live with Anorexia before they die from it?




  1.   It depends on how long the body takes to shut the inner organs down' and ruin the stomach lining  and such.It's a bad disease and many suffer for this and people are not well informed on this as many suffers do it in privacy.

  2. idk  i would like to know myself i thought  of  not ever eating ever again i do not want to get any  fatter i am so ugly i hate eating  

  3. anorexia isn't just about losing weight or being extremely skinny

    some anorexics manage to gain weight and get their periods back but they still continue to obsess over their body images and can't stop counting calories for the rest of their lives

  4. That varies alot...I mean there was a 21 year old Brazillian model that died from anorexia some time ago, started modelling when she was 13 so she probably had it since then. I'm guessing an anorexic person could "live" for many years, but the body would gradually deteriorate and the anorexic person would die from either heart failure, other bodily complications  or suicide without treatment. (Anorexics have very high suicide rate.)

    I hope you are not considering anorexia to lose weight or anything (not accusing you or anything, just in case) because it is truly a souless way to live....not to mention the countless problems your body would start to have being deprived of nutrition...fancy having the bones of an 80 year old at 20, some of those severe anorexics have that. That's not'll permernantly damage your body. Heathliest way is to eat healthy, nutritious foods and exercise at least 3 times a week and you will gradually lose any excess weight.

    Anyways, hope that helped in some way.

  5. The time of death is different for every person suffering from anorexia.  Some can survive years with the illness, but have a really poor quality of life.  Others only survive weeks.  They may seem fine, but may simply drop dead from heart failure or a number of other problems.

    Generally, a healthy person can survive without no food at all for about forty days, providing they are drinking plenty of water.  But you do not know how your body will react to going into starvation mode and some have died in a far shorter time.

    Anorexia is an awful awful illness.  It affects the whole body as the whole body relies on nutrition to survive... the skin, hair, kidneys, bones, heart, eyes... I could go on and on.  As the body slows down from lack of nutrition, it adapts in the most amazing way.  However, in order to do this, it pulls the nutrients from where it is stored in the body.  Then the bones weaken, the hair falls out, the kidneys can fail, heart attack, etc.  

    I only hope that whether you are worried for someone else, or you are thinking of this for yourself, that you can find the strength to seek help for either yourself or whoever it may be.

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