
How long can the military extend your service?

by Guest57226  |  earlier

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I know that if you are deployed to war and your time with the military is almost up they can extend the time you serve. does any one know if there is any limit to that? If I sign up for 4 years. how long can that be extended to? I want worst case scenario. thanks.




  1. They can keep you as long as they want as long as a war is going on. It states in the contract, you can be held over your contract for the duration of the war + 6 months.

    BTW, please no thumbs down, I'm looking right at my contract.

  2. an idiot, they can  and will keep you beyond your 8 year MSO if they want or need to. I have seen it. It has happened, and it will continue to happen. Its called Stop Loss which supersedes any contract.

    How do I know? I spent 10 years and 10 months in the military without ever signing on beyond my 8 year MSO (Military Service Obligation). It is legal. To bad, so sad.

    I have no complaints because I knew this before I signed up as should anyone. And I acctually loved every minute of my time in the service.

  3. If it's a 4 year contract, that most likely means 4 active with 4 in reserve. Once all 8 of those years are done they can't extend you anymore as your contract is up. You can only be extended while you still have time on your reserve part of the contract.

  4. they can keep you as long as they want .

  5. youre refering to stop loss and they can keep you for as long as they need you.  Usually it is between a month to 17 months (worst case).  If you are supposed to get out in june 2008 and your unit is deploying in July there is a high likely hood you will be stop lossed for the entire deployment which could wind up adding a year and a half to your contract.

    There is also the IRR which people have touched on.  the IRR or Inactive ready reserve is in place for times of crisis only.  Basically if the army trains you and you get out in 4 years you can be called back to duty for up to 4 more years.  It is not a common occurance though.

  6. They can extend you so long as there is a need for your MOS.  

  7. They can extend you as long as they need you.  Now with the year break inbetween deployment, you should only get held up a year and a half at the most, because of the 12 month deployment and the stop loss, stop movement they put on you like 90 days out.  When you return you have 90 days stabilization, but you can waive that.

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