
How long can the seal stay underwater?

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A seal of mass 450kg dives under the water with 30000cm³ of oxygen available in its body. If its rate of oxygen consumption is 250cm³/kg/hour, how long can it stay underwater for (using only its supply of oxygen)?

This question is really bugging me so any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!




  1. Seals are capable of remaining underwater for up to one hour on deep dives. For deep dives, seals exhale and conserve the oxygenated blood for use by their brain, heart and lungs.

    There seems to be a difference in the amount of time for certain species but it appears that it is all somewhat around 60 minutes.

  2. if it uses 250cm^3/kg/hr

    and weighs 450 kg


    250 x 450 = 112,500

    According to this information this particular seal consumes oxygen at a rate of 112,500cm^3 per hour

    30,000 divided by 112,500 = 0.2667

    0.2667 x 60 minutes = 16 minutes

    So, with a breath of 30,000cm^3 this seal can stay under water for 16 minutes.

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