
How long can this really go on for...?

by  |  earlier

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So AF was due on AUG 21,.. still nothing!! Had a BFN about a week ago! i feel like i have been waiting forever.. like when will AF or my BFP come.. im pretty sure i ovulated so i dont know whats happening!?

This happen to anyone else.. were u preg? ive been crying lots and have alot of CM and i seem to be nesting alot.. I feel like i did when i was pregnant with my son, any ideas?




  1. ,

  2. Heya. Unfortunetly it could still be 50/50 for you. The fact your overdue your AF is a good sign, and there have been a few people (on here) who had BFN's and were pregnant. But I also know, from experience, that stressing or obsessing over being pregnant can delay your period and give you ALL these symptoms that can just as likely be a sign of AF coming.

    I hope you are pregnant so goodluck. If it still doesn't come in a few days get a blood test done.


  3. waaaa! you're speaking in code - what are you saying?

  4. it's best to see you doctor to get a blood test to make sure if you're pregnant or not, you can also ask a doctor online for free for advice as you could be pregnant, try

    good luck!!!

  5. Did u do another test after a week ago? If you did and it's BFN, do a blood test to confirm your pregnancy. Good luck

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