
How long can we wait for all good things to come?

by  |  earlier

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If you left me

Would I still write?

Trapped words

Burning holes

In my souls

Too hot to hold

Thoughts of nothing

Are everything now

Somehow consuming

Preventing resuming

Runways for take off

And they crash

Landing here

I know I am not alone

Lonely, but never alone

The human spirit

Exists outside this dark room

In brightest fields it is

On tombstones it exists

Rainbows ......

Come after the storm, right?

Gustav is coming..I'm waiting




  1. Hey every day is one more day I've survived, one more chance to speak to my kids, and sometimes I even get a rainbow... but mostly nothing changes, and I live with knowing that... no secret meanings, no miracles, no rescues, and the same lonely feelings... such is life and I work through it.,, that is the way it is for me so I stay busy... stay busy my friend and I  hope you have your rainbows..

  2. Rainbows are illusions

    Question yourself

    Bright colors

    Fade to black

    Explode into white

    Their meaning

    Their message

    is never quite known

    I can see all

    but I have blinders on

  3. Another storm not to be ignored or disrespected.  Be careful and aware.

    All that share this late summer waiting and watching the skies


  4. Cool.. come out into the light

    It is beckoning you .....and Yes you will always write..

  5. Thanx for sharing. And yes... calm does come after the storm.

  6. I don't really get it but as long as it means something to you it's all good!

  7. that was nice.

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