
How long can weed stay in your body system?

by  |  earlier

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I stop smokeing weed for good, i know now i dont need any drugs to live a good life but i was wondering is the weed still in my body the last time i smoked was between july the 22 that was 28 days ago (counting week ends) which equals 4 weeks. im a light smoker i only smoke when im stress becuz the preasure of school. so i would smoke one time in a week and then i might smoke like 2 or 3 months later




  1. Well, light use can take about 2-7 days, heavy use, which I imagine is every day or every other day, can take a few months.

  2. about a month, but depends on the type some drugs and types of weed can stay in ur body for years and then one day perhaps when ur at work ur high and u think ur on fire so you jump out the window u never know but if u think that could happen go to the doctor and have ur body flushed  

  3. It takes about 30 days to flush out of your system.

  4. 30 days but as long as you have hair they can always tell. So it depends on how they are testing.

  5. Wow good for you. Seriously. But It really depends on how many chemicals the marijuana plant has. It'll probably flush down for 2 or 1 and 1/2 months.  

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