
How long can you hold your breathe ?

by  |  earlier

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How long can you hold your breathe ?




  1. less than 40 sec. I'm scared without air

  2. I'm no David Blaine.

  3. At my top competitive shape I could hold my breath for 4 minutes or 50 meters underwater

  4. i can hold my breathe for about 1 min & 20 sec. I'M 13!!!

  5. I hate holding my breath.  I cannot answer this question as I am sure that I could hold it much longer than I will allow myself to be timed for.

  6. Let's see:

    61 seconds and almost die , lol

  7. for about 48 seconds

    but im not so sure

    cuz i did this a while ago

  8. underwater swimmin i can do it for about 2 or 3 mins . its nt aard

  9. when swimming hard about 50 meters but if i'm just floating in the water than about 2 min.

  10. About a minute. Have gone more if I really try.

  11. about 30 seconds and then i start freaking out

    im serious

  12. Its 1min 30sec.......

  13. 3 minutes

    Current static apnea (breath hold in shallow water not swimming) records are currently:

    Men 9 minutes 8 secs

    Women 8 minutes

  14. one minuteish!

  15. haha im **** at it !! 18 sec lol. :( last time i timed my self my mate was making me laugh so i dont know what it is, if i time it now :) x  well av just checked and it 1 min 14 secs x

  16. 1 minute

  17. 1 min 30 seconds.  Grew up with a pool.

  18. around 30 seconds, thats the average

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