
How long can you keep ceaser dressing in the fridge?

by Guest61958  |  earlier

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How long is an opened ceaser dressing good for in the fridge?





  1. I think its about 4 weeks.

  2. What brand is it?

    I love the Kraft caesar dressing and it lasts for about a good two to three months... well, I finish the bottle pretty fast too! LOL

  3. There are enough preservatives in the salad dressing it will last 30 to 60 days at the most. You should write the date on the container when you opened it and also look to see the best used by date on the container.....

  4. I'm on the frindge here, I've had various bottles in there for at least a year occassionally. I didn't know the stuff ever went bad <g>. Check the date, but, I never toss em'. If they are real old I use them as marinade for steaks or chicken and throw the food on the grill.

    EDIT: Megan, that's probably absolutely correct for the date. I've had them in there for over a year easily sometimes.

  5. check the date

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