
How long can you keep takeout in the frig?

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Say since Saturday?




  1. Since Staurday may be too long. 3 days tops for me

  2. smell it. does it look funny? Do you have the intestinal fortatude to bear it ,if it is ?

  3. if i don't eat it in the first 2 days its out...

  4. No longer than Monday!!!!

  5. It depends on what the food itself is, really. What meats and sauces and what dairy if any is used, and the processes used to cook it. For instance, while fried chicken may be good today if you bought it saturday, sushi would be rank.

  6. until it grows legs and walks away on it's own.

  7. if it smells funny or is discolored then dont eat it

    leftovers should only be kept in the frige for about 3 to 4 days and no longer then that

  8. it depends on the food, if it was thoroughly cooked, and what the food is packaged in.

    pizza from Friday is probably still ok.

    Sushi? no way.

  9. i would say dependining on the takeout but i think four days is too long

  10. I say it's still good. I've had some food in that long. Maybe after a week.. ehhh.

  11. Depends....Rice= a few days, maybe a week.

    Chicken- two days

    Sushi- 3 seconds.

    Happy Eating:)

  12. only three days.

  13. toss it man..

  14. Don't eat it. Nothing over 36 hours! I tend to draw the line at 24 hours myself. I hate getting sick. :(

  15. After i hurl in my toilet ill tell you

  16. i never keep it longer than 12 hours

  17. nasty...throw it out or have fun throwing up....

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