
How long can you rant on for?

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  1. back be continued...

  2. Before I answer - members of Congress filibuster for hours on end.  I suppose Fidel Castro has some claim to fame as a "ranter."

    My answer - I am the beginning and the end.  This has to be the longest answer!!    

  3. i've been known to carry on for half an hour or so...can't hold a candle to mama or papa now they could RANT...once mom went to city hall with a friend of hers and they tagged teamed it...chewed butt for hours.  adolf hitler was a champion ranter, carried on for two days over some creampuffs not getting delivered, had some people shot over it too now that's a RANT.

    and our local town character Joe, rides his bicycle around town and rants to a doll on the handlebars all day long and into the night.

    i just can't hold a candle to them.

  4. what is up wit black people always thinking that white people treat them so bad and that they need different laws n shite like affirmative action,that is the stupidest law ive evr heard in my life ,id rather have a law that said that we cant eat meat on fridays,cuz that make More sense than affirmative action.and why cant White people say the n word . black people say it all the time and are all happy but a white person says it and its world war 3.even in movies black people say the n word all the time but if a white person were to ever ***** in a movie there would be lawsuits n ****. idon'tt even understand why they get so mad when we say it.its not like they were slaves and i wastheirr slave master.theydon'tt even know if my family had any slave masters in it,for all they know my family might have helped harriot with don imus all he said was nappy headed hoes ,i see how this could be offensiuve to women ,but black people jus had to jump all over it when they herd the word nappy cuz that rasist right WRONG nappy just means bad hair ,or hair like they just woke up.and al sharpton is the biggest a*****e in the world ,he takes any lil comment and strethces it out until he makes somone look like a full blown racist.and why is marijuana illeagal ,i see nothing wrong with it.the goverment makes it look alot worse than it realy is,like they make it look like u smoke one joint and you go kill ten people,or u smoke one joint and immediatly want to shoot some heroine,or snort some coke.inreality all it dose is make you feel good.why marijuana was banned in the first place was back in the early 1900's slave masters used to give thier slave marijuana to make them work harder,but one day a slave on pot tryed to kill his master,and the master sid that it took 5 shots to kill him ,so everyone thought marijuana was the devil after that (if you watch early movies on why not to smoke pot you would see what im talking about.but still alcihol and ciggaretts are leagal as can be even though they both kill 3 times as more people a year.why? cuz the goverment makes way to much money off of them to just ban them ,so i sugjest we legalize marijuana ,cuz it would bring way more money by taxes to the goverment  than alcohol and  ciggarets combined,plus it would stop all of the people getting shot and and killed trying to deal it.and what is up with hip hop these days,what ever happend to real mc's that realy rapped but now all there is is fake people making songs about dances,and how they wanna love u girl.and most if u acctually listen to lyrics they make no sence,people just listen to it for the beat and the hook,it pretty much like that with all music these days .it has no meanig its just catchy beats and hooks.the good rappers make no money cuz nonone wants to acctually listen to a good song wit good lyrics,all they want is a catchy hook.and what is up wit fads these days,nobody has a mind of their own anymore,if somone cool does sumthin everyone else has to automaticlly has to do this so people will like them,like robots.i think if we actually thught for our selves and tryed to be ourselves and not just creations of other people,and ****** kids these days .they are so hooked to the computer and tv that some dont even go outside,i remember when i was a kid we had tv and a computer but i dient use them that much,cuz i had a life and friends,and i was athletic but kids today theyer fat and spoiled cuz they get no exersize,and none of them value theyer education,they think that they can just drop out and work at wendys all thier life and be good,but thats not how it works .and tv is so chalked full of bullshit,and false advertising that i cant belive anything anymore,maby if they told the truth  i would buy thier items ,but they wont cuz thier so d**n greeedy,everyone so d**n greedy,they wont stop to give a homless person a dime..and kids education is so bad,if you ask a 7th gradr who the president is i bet he cant tell u.cuz the goverment dont wanna spend no money on schools.and politics are so d**n silly ,everyones is always debating on this and that ,if u ask me we dont need that many people inthe goverment,and the president just tells us lie after lie after lie,and theres nothing we can do about it.and all the politicians are geting busted for drugs and other ****.and some people just arent fit to have childeren,i think if u do drugs and are an alcoholic,u should not be able to have children by law,cuz thats part of the reason the world is so ****** up,cuz we have drugged up sexed up moms,and our dads dont ever wanna stick around.and whats up with the teacjers having s*x wit the students,and why is it always the hot teacher who could have any man she wants but she chooses the 12 year old .and all the fatty foods to d**n everyone is fat these days,u cant walk a foot in wal mart without seeing a obise person,and everyone blame sit on the fatty foods but really we have the choice to eat them,remember we dont have to eat the double cheezburger but we want to so we all get fat,and sports theyr all about sportsmanship,what happend to when you get a touchdown you dance and rub it in ,but nowadays you score a touchdown and and you shake your opponets hand.and the poporazzi are such a******s like wit brittany spears they never leave that girl alone .im acctually starting to belive that south park episode.and i dont understand why we are in iraq  weve been there 7 years and have made almost no progress,and we all know osama is to me we have no buisness over there.we dont even have any busness trying to stop the violence over there,before we stop it overe there we need to stop it overe here.and religion why do people ***** abou taking god out of an athiest ans i rwaly dont care,i realy wouldent care if they put prais alha on the bill and in school,but i guess som of these things will never change,so we just have to live with it

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