
How long can you stay in Mexico on just a passport?

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I plan on visiting my husband's family and we are going to stay for about two months. Do I need to get a tourist's visa or is my passport ok??




  1. no ure fine like that!!!

  2. just back from mexico. you can stay as long as you want. passport adequate.

  3. Depends on where you are going.  I live in Texas and we drive across.  You are allowed 65km past the border with out a visa.  We get a 6 month tourist visa for something like $20US.  

    I'm not sure how it works if you are flying...check with a travel agent.  Especially now since you must have a passport (US Birth Certificate used to be fine...)

  4. The passport doesn't determine the length of stay.  The permit or tourist card does.  That is normally for 90 days or 6 months.

    For business, a visa and other issues normally would apply.

  5. You can get (Weather driving or flying) a tourist Visa, FM-T, which is good for up to a maximum of 6 months. You must ASK for anything over a couple weeks, otherwise they just fill it out for you.

  6. Lots of misinformation here.

    If you are going into the interior of the country, beyond the 30 mile border zone, you definitely need an FM-T (tourist visa). I assume from another question you asked that you are driving across the border. If so, you will stop at the border, fill out the form, take it to a nearby bank (they will direct you) and pay approximatley $23, take the receipt back to the immigration office and get your visa.

    In the past, it was common for them to make it out for 30 or 60 days, even though you are allowed to stay up to 180 days. Recently, President Calderon sent out a directive to give all tourists 180 days automatically. It seems to be working as  that's what I've been given three times in the last year or so.

    Unless you expect to remain only in Baja or within the border zone, a passport will NOT be enough. Without an FM-T, you will be illegal. It is very easy to get at the border and trying to stay without one would be silly.

    ALSO...(very important)... if you are driving into Mexico, you will ALSO need to get a vehicle permit at the border. You'll need multiple photocopies of your title or registration. If you have an unpaid loan on the car, you'll need a letter from the bank giving you permission to take it out of the country. Also, copies of your drivers license. You must pay for the permit with an international credit/debit card. They will then put a hologram sticker on your windshield.

    If you don't get this permit for your American car, you stand the chance of having it confiscated. Also, don't let a Mexican citizen drive the car in Mexico if you are not in it. If they are stopped, the car can be confiscated.

    You must...MUST... stop at the border on the way out and have the sticker removed and turn in your permit. If you don't you will probably never be allowed to bring another car into Mexico again.

    If you are flying into Mexico, the cost of the FM-T visa is built into your airplane ticket. You will be given the proper immigration forms on the plane to hand in when you land and get your visa.

    Don't lose your visa. When you fly out of the country, you  need to turn it in at the airline counter. They won't let you board the plane without it. If you lose it, you'll need to spend time in the airport immigration office getting a replacement and the fine is about $41. If you're driving out, this is less critical.

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