
How long can you wear contacts for?

by  |  earlier

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I have one month disposibles, they're my last pair, and I've been delaying ordering them. I've had them for 2 months long could I possibly wear them for?




  1. you can wear them for as long as you want. They are not hurting your eyes. U will see when they will be irritating and you wont see everything that's when u can change them i go with my contacts for 3 months sometimes. its a lie when they say u have to change them every two weeks that's just for them to make more money off you. but u should have a pair just in case. Go to i order contacts for $60 for 4 boxex that are worth like $ 100 from other sites

  2. You are already about 2 weeks past the safe wearing time for them.

    At this point , after about 6 weeks, no matter how clean you think they are, the pores of the lenses are plugged up and very little oxygen is getting through them anymore, depriving your cornea of needed oxygen.

    It isn't healthy to wear them any longer.

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