
How long can you wear durasoft contacts for?

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I'm thinking about getting these contacts but I don't understand why they are so expensive. Do they last longer than a month?




  1. These lenses are made to last about a year with daily wear, longer if you wear them on and off. They come in single vials, little bottles rather than plastic cups. These lenses need to be taken out at night and can be worn for up to 16 hours. You will have no trouble putting them in and there may be only the tiniest amount of slippage which quickly corrected itself. Your vision will be just about as sharp as with any clear lenses.These lenses are a bit pricey but they are durable and very sharp. The lenses don't build up protein and don't need extra care. You take them out, put them in solution and pop them in and you are ready to go. You have made a right choice and they are worth it.

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