
How long/complicated is it to become a veternarian?

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I am debating on which career path I should take. I am both passionate in being a veternarian a prosthodontist. I know the length of time a prosthodontist has to be in school but not a vet. Also, what is a vet's annual income? Thanks!




  1. Length of time: 4 year degree

                          and a 2 year master degree (Minimum 6 years) unless you go to one of those crappy itt tech schools

    Annual income: Depends on how educated you are at what you do

  2. easy, I got my degree for 50 dollars over the internet. I have been practicing for 4 years and none are the wiser.

  3. All I know about vet school is that it is extremely competitive.  

  4. my vet told me these statistics. there are 35 vet schools in america. about 110 graduate form each one per year. It is very competitive.

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