
How long contact lens last ? contact lenses help?

by  |  earlier

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i have the contacts that last about two weeks . i opened the case, used it for the first two days and and no it's 2 weeks.

it feel like a waste to throw it away. when they say 2 weeks, did they mean the two weeks after it was open or the two weeks that you actually wear them .




  1. two weeks- that you actually wear them .....

  2. 2 weeks to wear them. I wear mine longer. I think most people do. My husband wears his none stop for like 6 months (I tell him to take them out at least every once in awhile). My eye doctor told me to use them for 2 weeks. I usually change them when they start to bug my eyes. That's probably not the best way to judge though. The longer you wear them the more gunk gets built up on them and then that gets deposited into your eye. When that happens it makes the bottom of your eye irritated and causes little red bumps on your lower eye lid. In the beginning it won't bother you, but over time it can. If you leave them in for long period of time for many years it can cause really painful and lasting effects, sometimes damaging your eyes further.

    So in a nutshell, follow your doctor and the instructions on the box and you will save yourself a lot of pain. Although you may need to buy more contacts more often it's better than paying for treatment later on damaged eyes and having to suffer through the pain. Wow, that was a big nut shell.

    Thanks for reminding me to change mine. I think I'll do that tonight.

    I just reread the question ummm....yeah, you can probably wear them again as long as they were sitting in a sterile solution for those 12 days you didn't wear them. It's the gunk from the air that gets in them and make them dirty.

    Hope that helps.

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