
How long could I live alone in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with one pack of matches and a hunting knife?

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Living in civilization makes me feel trapped, I want to take control of my life. I hate living around advertising and a money controlled society. I want to live on my terms. Free.




  1. If you're any good at wilderness survival, a long time.

    Remember, your area was peopled for thousands of years by natives that had no matches or modern steel knives at all.

    If you know how to live without these things, you can do so.

  2. Interesting question!  

    Let me get this strait... you want to take take control of your life, and leave the modern world, the boring, the money, advertising, and superficial c**p the comes with?

    Sir, you want to live on your terms but, I fear for your safety.  Somebody with wilderness experience wouldn't be asking "How long could I live alone in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with one pack of matches and a hunting knife?"

    Before running around playing "Survivourman", you need to get some wilderness training.  I'm only saying from experience (having done 2 full, wilderness rescues already).

    Have fun in the bush!

  3. Given the nature of this question, I'd say approximately 72 which point you'll realize that that "clean" stream you drank at had bacteria or other contaminants.  At that point, I wouldn't call what you would be doing living.

    In very short order, you will be lost, hungry, cold, and thirsty.  Then, if you're lucky, you'll find a stream and just be hungry cold and lost.  A day or so after that, you'll be starving, lost, sick and thirsty.  A day or so after that and you'll be providing meals to scavengers.

    Why not take a nice comfortable tent, sleeping bag, and backpack, some decent food and water and go to a remote campground in a national forest and get away from it all for a while?  I do that a couple times a year just to recharge.  Only people I see are the park rangers and, once they've made sure I've paid my camping fee, they leave me alone....oh, and the water comes from a nice clean spigot and I can sit in a semi-civilized outhouse rather than squatting in the middle of the undergrowth and getting poison ivy in my nether regions.

    If you REALLY want to do the survivor man routine, take a class and try it in controlled conditions.  Remember, even marines sometimes wash out of the survival course...sometimes they even survive the wash out.

  4. you dont have to go live like a cave could go live in a less developed country than america. or become or a famer. unless you dont want to get eaten or freeze or starve to death i wouldnt recommend this.

  5. ok i hope you are good with a knife and have alot of matches.

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