
How long could this be?

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My question is how long can you get locked up for harassment charges? Not in a work environment but in a public one. I know this guy (24) who said a few things to a 16 yr old and the mom is putting charges against him. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. Thank you!




  1. It really depends on if the guy has a bad criminal background or not.  If this is the first time he has been in trouble, then he probably won't spend any jail time.  The judge will just tell him he cannot be within so many feet of her for a specified length of time and if the guy disobeys, then he could go to jail.  If he has a bad criminal background, or if he is on probation, then he could get into more serious trouble.  He still shouldn't have to spend a lot of time unless he is already on probation.  Probation violations can get you some serious time.

  2. Depends on the actual charges and any pleas, not to mention the local laws.   Based on NJ law, punishment can be anywhere from a fine and probation to 60 days in jail.

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