
How long did anyone have to wait to get a positive pregnancy test?

by  |  earlier

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I am four days late now and I'm like clockwork never been more than a day late or early. If I concieved it would have been on or around aug. 6th. I feel like I am but I took 2 tests both in the morning and both negative. I would be about 2 weeks along. I read if you ovulate late it could take longer to get a positive test? So basically i want to know if it's possible not to show up positive until 3 or four weeks along . Anyones experiences would be greatly appreciated.




  1. i have a 28 day cycle and i tested the 28th and 29th day and it was positive. some women wait a full week after they miss their periods to test. there are women who didn't get a psoitve test until they were 2 months into the pregnancy.  wait a few more days and test to be really sure go to the doc and get a blood test.  

  2. you can;t get result before  missed AF with normal urine test ..and i think now this is the time that u should do test not sooner ,so wait 2-3 days then do test if negative u can wait another 2-3 days and do again or u can do blood test to be sure

  3. It is very possible to get negative results this early.

    If you really need to know, go see your doctor or any clinic that does blood pregnancy tests.

  4. Hi, I want you to know that I am in the same boat as you.  I'm like clockwork also and my period was due Aug 19th.  I took a HPT on the 21st and it was negative.  I spoke to my Dr's office and they said I could have tested to early.  They suggested that I wait until Aug 28th to test again and if I still don't have my period to make an appt for a blood test.

    So I'd say to wait a few more days and take another test. If you still get a negative, call your Dr.  Good Luck and lots of baby dust coming your way!

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