
How long did it take for the preg test to say positive?

by  |  earlier

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like how many days before your period or after did the test say yes . with my first preg. it was like 4 days be4 my period was due and now im positive im prego. i feel preg. backache, moody, b*****s hurt and im a day late on my period soon to be 2 days late, sooooo tired. ive taken some preg tests but all say neg. also on the day i was suppose to start i had cramps and felt like i was gonna start but then all that feelingwent away. so whatever input i can get would be nice.




  1. I was 8 days late and got a positive!

  2. 5 days after period was due for me

  3. not sure on the exact day but i know it was very early into the pregnancy. They couldn't even see anything yet when i went to my first doctors appt!

  4. most the time i took it was the day after or the week after i missed my period. but i feel the same way. i have bad cramps watery cm(tmi) b*****s hurt and when i was rubbing i sqeezed my nipple to stop the tingling and clear sticky stuff came out (colostrum) back is killing me cant sleep but so tired very moody ( my dh hides now) but most of these symptoms are the same as a period so its hard to tell without a positive test i am waiting till tomorrow to see if AF comes or not good luck and baby dust to the TTC girls out there

  5. Both of mine were positive on the day i expected my period.

  6. this is my first pregnancy, and I took a test 2 days before my period was due( in the afternoon) and it was negative, but I felt so different I just knew I was pregnant I waited 2 days after my period was due and it never came, so I took another test and it was positive. I had a huge cramp the morning I took my positive test I remember peeing and being like oh when I wipe I am gonna see blood but there was nothing, when I took my test it was positive before I was even done peeing

  7. for me it was 5 days before my period due.

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