
How long did it take for you to learn to ride a motorcycle?

by  |  earlier

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I mean, just the basics, braking, turning, accelerating, etc. Like from not knowing a thing, to it becoming comfortable to do with no help.




  1. Yeah, a half day at most. Just fing a big empty parking lot.

  2. 5 minutes. Really. I already knew how to operate a manual transmission from driving stick shift cars.

    Just took a look and saw transmission on the left, brakes on the right. Practices getting out of first a few times, then took off. Been on two wheels ever since.

    Took about 6 months after that to really understand road chemistry, aerodynamics, car behaviors, and awareness techniques. There's a lot to consider. Anybody who takes the MSF course has an advantage.

  3. About a couple of days. Maybe four with non stop riding.

  4. I rode a bike some by myself with no formal training, and didn't have much problem, but  later I took, and would definitely recommend anyone investing in a local training course.  In Texas, that course took the place of the driving part of the license test, and it provided valuable information that one might not think of themselves.  Its a good investment.  Even now driving my scooter in South Korea I sometimes think back to the driving course and the tips I learned there.  It could possibly save your life.

  5. um.. two 2 hour rides. pretty easy..

  6. been riding almost 30 years.... seems i still haven't learned enough.... hit a deer and wrecked my bike 2 weeks ago

  7. To learn the basics of getting from point A to point B took just a few miles and few hours.  The rest of your riding life is dedicated to improving and honing those basic skills.  When I started riding, in 1952, we had  no courses, it was self taught.  Today, you are much better off, there are good courses, and you should use them.  After 1/2 million miles, in the eastern US, and Europe, I still do not know it all,  and never will, nor will you, but you learn to be aware of EVERYTHING around you, to know the road, read the road, read traffic, pace your self,  Also you must know your bike, and know your limitations.  

    So,. to answer your question directly, in one week you can do what you asked in your question. To become a skilled rider, requires the remainder of your life, and may it be a long, enjoyable experience.  


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