
How long did it take for you to snowboard well?

by  |  earlier

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Just go down a hill and maybe do some non showy jumps?




  1. About 6 month, i am 13 now so it was a long time ago.

  2. With most of my students, this usually takes about 1 season of riding if you are going once per week - at least 10 days of riding and you will be going down intermediate runs and doing some smaller jumps with confidence.

    It can take years to get really good and learn to do rails, tricks in the half pipe, and carved turns on steep terrain. But that is why snowboarding is better than skiing - you can continue to improve for years and years.

    Good Luck

  3. Well,what do you mean by snowboarding well?Freestyle or freeride? It takes months sometimes years for people to master snowboarding.It takes balance and concentration.I would stick with the small jumps and hills first before you try the more advanced ones.

  4. How big of a hill?  I'm just getting into snowboarding.  After about four hours of straight snowboarding, I could get down some fairly nice hills without falling, and I even did a 180(not while I was going fast though lol).  

    I've heard the same thing over and over:  Just continue to put hard work into it, and after a week you should look pretty good.

  5. I fealt comfortable on the board after about 3 full days (with lessons each day).  I didn't jump for about 3 years.  If you don't want to fall and hurt yourself stay off the jumps until you can flatbase your board on easy terrain with good body alignment - that means your shoulders and hips are lined up perfectly with the board.

  6. less than a year

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