
How long did it take to get pregnant using clomid?

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I am taking clomid to help me get pregnant due to PCOS. I was just wanting some feedback from anyone else who has taken it. How many rounds did you have to do? And what were your side effects? I have had the most painful constipation as a side effect, has anyone else experienced that?




  1. I had unexplained infertility (with a small chance of PCOS).  I have regular cycles, but I had low progesterone.  I took Clomid 2 cycles and it did not raise my progesterone level much.  I took Femara one cycle, my level raised, and I got pregnant!  Good luck.

  2. I don't have PCOS-I have unexplained secondary infertility.  I took Clomid for 4 months, but during month four it quit working for me.  Doc said some women become "immune" to it.  I switched to Femara and got pregnant cycle 1.

    I also know someone who got pregnant first cycle on Clomid, with PCOS, and she got twins.

    Soooo....everyone is different, I guess.

    Good luck-baby dust!

  3. It took me and my husband three months to get pregnant with clomid. The sideeffects where pretty mild... emotionaly it killed me... im pretty sure i even cried at one of those cottonelle commercials with the puppies? im not a cryer either... but i was a wreak those five days...  I did gain five pounds. Im not sure if that was a result of the clomid and provera or if it was just me over eating when i was depressed. lol. I was not constipated at all infact i had some serious diahreaa for  a few days. Thats about it though, its different for everyone!! Goodluck!!!

  4. on average it can take 3 months or more, it does unfortunately have some side effects, you can also ask your doctor about Metformin along with Clomid it might increase your chances, you can also ask a doctor online for free and find others going through PCOS, try this website, FertilityTies

    good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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