
How long did it take to land your axel? What about doubles? How often did you practice them?

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So how long did it take you to land your axel and doubles if you have any? (List the doubles you can do consistently). Also how often did you practice your jumps? (How many times a week, for how many minutes/hours?). How old were you when you landed them?




  1. I started skating when i was 6 yrs old, i got my axel by the time i was 7.  And got all my doubles (except double axel) at 9 or 10.  I got them all clean by 11 and all consistant by 12.

  2. for me it took about 4 years after I first started skating...but my first years was in team skating. I'd recommend you to practice rotation much, that really helps. Both on ice and off ice. Once you land your axel, the doubles will just follow...

  3. for me it took me 2 years to land my axel at the age of 14, it took me soo long i was about to give up but once i landed it all my doubles came naturally to me such as double loup, doup sal and double toe... i landed them all one after the other consisitantly. It's different for everyone. It might take you a couple of months to land it or a couple of years. It also depends on how much you skate, i skate 3 times a week which is not much about 8 hours a week, if you skate more often and practice alot off ice than you have more of a chance to achieve your jumps. the thing you must know is never have fear of jumping or else that can be a huge problem when having to do your jumps. Just take in everyhting your coach says and put them all together to make the perfect jump:) good luck

  4. Axel= less than a month coz I was 12 yrs old and I have to admit it the shortest the better te he he he... Ummm doubles? I landed em in about a month or two... N it's 2-3 times a week.

  5. People learn differetly. You'll drive yourself crazy by comparing; just set goals that are realistic. Rome was not built in a day. Enjoy figure skating. I understand you want to do great things, but you should not rush your progress. You will only get frutrated.

  6. Each time i skated it was about an hour to an hour and a half, iv always lived kind of far from a rink

    2loop: 1 if a was lucky 2 a week, about a year

    axel: 1 - 2 a week, about a year and a half

    2salchow: 1 - 2 a week, about a year and a half

    Quit then had to start again from scratch, skating about 3 times a week

    about 3 months for axel, salchow, and loop

    Flip, lutz about 6 months from when i started again

    toeloop about 9 months

  7. An axel is one of the hardest jump to learn. It varies with the individual. Some people it takes six months to a year, others more. You just have to keep practicing and don't give up. The day you decide you can't do it will be the day it happens!

    Good Luck!

  8. It took me about four months to first land my axel and about another four to six (I don't remember) to get it consistant.  And I practiced almost everyday.  My double Sal and double toe came pretty quickly after that.  I don't remember how long exactly, but I was able to get them consistant pretty fast by just thinking of doing an axel once I got into the air.  I think I learned my double loop over one summer.  My double flip took a lot longer though.  I really struggled with it and was only able to land it on and off for a long time.  I finally was able to land it right after I worked on bringing the arms in right.  I landed my double lutz on the first day I tried it and it was always pretty easy for me.  I was never able to land a clean double axel.  The best was an eighth cheated.  When I competed, I practiced my jumps every time I skated which was almost every day for about two hours.  I practiced other stuff during the time though like spins, moves in the field, ice dance, not only jumps.  I was ten when I landed my first axel and I don't remember how old I was when I first landed all my other doubles, but I had them all minus the double axel by the time I was 12/13.  I don't compete any more, so now I only practice my jumps when I want to.

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