
How long did it take to land your first lutz and axel?

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How long did it take to land your first lutz and axel?




  1. A few days or weeks.


  2. it depend on the person.....Usually for lutz we are talking for up to six months.....and axel can take from 2 month to 8 month.....unless you are next big figure skating star like Japanese phenomenal Mao Asada it might take you one day -)

    skating is a mind game - be determent and it will come to you....

  3. Frankly I can't remember how long it took. I started to land half lutzes immediately after being taught them, but I recall that learning the single Lutz CORRECTLY with no flutzing took a long time. One thing is to land the jump thinking you did it but really flutzed and another is to learn how to jump it right (slower, but the better way in the long run because bad habits are hard to get rid of). Now it's of my best jumps because I worked hard on it.

    The Axel, gawd.. 5 years at least? Add my age at the time, not the most patient coaching and the fact that it's a jump that I have a hard time doing. I still underotate it on the ice, but I can nail it almost 100% of the times on the ground and it's getting better on the ice. At least I don't fall or two foot land it.

  4. People learn at different rates. It is not healthy to start comparing your success to others, that is when you stop having fun. Set realistic goals for yourself. *

  5. Lutz = after 1 lesson

    Axel =  after 2 lessons (praticing for 4 hours in total)

  6. Lutz= 1-2 lessons

    Axel= less than a month

  7. Heya,

    I landed my lutz and flip during the same week. T

    The axel,... well that was defintely more frustrating. I spent about two weeks on my prep. for an axel (waltz loop). I kept doing cheated jumps or landing on flat.

    Then I got on the jumping harness. The first time I tried, I fell on my gluteus maxiumus-it wasn't pretty at all. After a couple other tries of cheated and flats, I finally landed it. Then I spent a month trying to land it perfectly on ice, which wasn't pretty either. The axel is a fun jump once you get it but a pain in the neck when you're still trying to learn it.

    How about you?




  8. My lutz took me 2 days to get. Then again my coach said that I am extremely talented, and he said that average takes about a week to two weeks. However my axel took longer; It took me 3 weeks to finally get. I'm currently working on double flip, and man! That totally kills!

  9. lutzt : 1 lesson

    axel : 2 lessons

  10. When I was learning them, I got them on the first day. When I got back into skating 6 years after I stopped it took me a couple weeks to get my lutz back. I haven't tried my axel yet. Skate problems have kept me from moving forward recently.

  11. The first time I landed a lutz took me about 1 lesson, but at first it was a little scary and it took me about a month to land them consistently

    I'm just starting axel lead up stuff now, hopefully I'll land it soon.

    Everyone takes different amounts of time to learn these things, so if it takes you a while don't get discouraged

  12. lutz: 1 day

    awel: 2 weeks

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