
How long did it take to lose your post pregnancy weight?

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Do you think it could be accomplished within 4 months after giving birth?




  1. I only gained 4 kilos (8 lbs) from my pre-pregnancy weight...Its been 2 weeks now since my c-section and even though I haven't been doing any exercise I've lost almost all of it becuase, the week after my birth, I was sick & vomiting...and I've been breastfeeding..that burns calories.

  2. I was back in size 10 jeans after about a month. All that running around made me lose weight.  

  3. Nine months and counting.  I gained 35 pounds and still have about 10 to go.

  4. I gained almost 20 pounds and I breastfed (that supposedly helps) and I was down to my pre-pregnancy weight about 3 weeks later.  My stomach was still a little looser though! : )  If you'd only gain 25 pounds there wouldn't be much extra that isn't from the baby and fluid.

  5. not long the birth itself done it.......

    i don't put weight on when pregnant possibly cos i go off most foods and seem to eat really healthy stuff when pregnant, Not dieting just i eat properly.

    baby 1 i gained 2lbs in total

    baby 2 i lost 3/4 stone. i was very ill and stressed because of problems when PG

    baby 3 weight stayed the same

    the thing is once baby is here the weight lost from the birth creeps back.........

  6. With my son I gained 70 lbs. Yes 70! I was huge and it took me 3 months to lose it all. After I had him I was a size 11 and after 3 months I went to a size 7.

  7. Absolutely it can be done!

    I gained 50lbs with my first and a week later i had lost all but 15 pounds. I just dropped that last year. so it took me six years to work off the last 15lbs.

    You should have no problem losing the weight.  

  8. With my first baby - it took about a month.

    With my second baby - he's 2 and I'm still working on it :)

  9. it took about  amontyh, then i gained 10 back, so watch out! dont worry about it, just b healthy!

  10. I'm 13 and gave birth to twins. I gained 31 pounds during pregnancy and my doctor said it was too little but my babies were healthy when they were born. I'm usually slim, that's why. I'm breastfeeding (even now, they are 4-months-old) and I got back to my regular weight 5 weeks later (I gave birth naturally). Now, 4 months later, my body looks just like it looked before the pregnancy, although my pelvic bones are still wide and they would probably stay that way already. It's like your body is maturing a bit earlier.

  11. I saw this product called Acai Berry on Oprah the other week.. Looked like all the other diet scams, but I went for it and ordered a 14-day free trial from this site.. And guess what, it really works!! I'm so happy I've already lost weight, gotten more energy and my stomach is flatter than ever!

  12. I would think so. It took me about two months but then we moved and I don't have as much time to work out and I gained a little bit back. If you keep at it, you should be fine. Good luck!

  13. Lost the pregnancy weight (35 lb) in two weeks.  Lost 12 extra pounds in five months just from breastfeeding, no exercise.

  14. Yeah more over if you breast feed. I lost the weight in a couple of months, then again I have a pretty good metabolism.

  15. It took me a full year, but I also gained 55 pounds.

  16. Absolutely, but it depends on your body type and metabolism.  I lost my baby weight plus 15lbs in a couple of months.  By the time my baby was 6 months old I had lost so much weight I had to stop breastfeeding.  I only gained 18lbs during my pregnancy.

    Good luck!  

  17. He's almost 2 and I'm still working on it. 20lbs to go (and I only gained 35!)

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