
How long did it take you to conceive your 2nd or more babies?

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I didn't really know how to word this question. Our son is 3 days old, we know we will want another baby eventually, we are thinking of trying again next summer but we'll see how everything goes with this one now. Our son was planned, when we started trying we got pregnant the very next month...SO...the question is, if it was that easy for us to get pregnant the first time, is it usually just as easy the next or for some reason do you start to become less fertile or something? I am 25 currently and my husband is 28 if maybe the age could have something to do with it as well?




  1. I'm 23 and my daughter is just a lil over 2 years old. My husband and I have been ttc for 10 months now. When we started trying for our first child we got pregnant in 2nd month of trying, but for some reason we are having a harder time this go around. I'm sure it just depends more on the person for how long it will take to get pregnant. If I were u I would enjoy my son for now. Babies are truely a beautiful thing. Adore him before trying for another one!! Good luck on whatever u do in the future!!!

  2. It took almost a year of heavy trying to conceive our first.  Our second was an "oops" when I forgot to take a few of my pills.  Still blows me away that it took so long when we wanted one, and only took one "try" when were weren't trying. LOL

    So, no rhyme or reason to it.  

  3. Well from personal experience.... We have a 28 month old and a 18 month old it can be "easy" :O) I went in to have my tubes tied after the second one and my ob said "sorry, can't do it....your PREGNANT"... then my little miracle came to us 14 weeks early weighing only 2 we def have them close, and we def had NO problem getting pregnant :OP

  4. After the birth of my first daughter me and my husband also knew we wanted more later down the line. We tried for a boy 3 1/2 yrs later and got pregnant 1st month of trying. Then we got pregnant with our 3rd 1 1/2 yrs after the 2nd (he was not planned, just happened after "slipping" only one time but still very excited)....Now, we are awaiting #4 and this one too was not planned but we didnt mind if we got pregnant again and we were not using birth control, we had unprotected s*x for 6 months before conceiving this time around but conceiving this one was a very big shocker because i thought i wasnt ovulating due to very very irregular periods.

    They say the older u get the harder it is, that is why it is best to have your kids before 31. I'm 27 and my husband is 29, we are still very fertile.....Obviously =o)

    p.s people are now having there kids closer in age then before, due to being able to use same baby clothes and belongings and having siblings closer in age is a plus....Whenever u 2 feel it is a right time to give your little boy a brother or sister, as long as u are capable, ready and have enough love to share then go for it!

  5. Both my kids were conceived on the very first try. :) Congrats!!!

  6. Congrats on your son. Just so you know don't feel crazy when my son was 3 weeks old I asked this very same question. I got preg. with my 1st with in 2 months of TTC. Then it took over a year 3 miscarriages and fertility treatments to get preg. with number 2. This is called secondary infertility when you had a child then you have issues after with having more kids. Now when my son was 6 months we started to try because I thought for sure I would have to go through the h**l of fertility treatment and I did not want the Dr. to turn us away so we said okay we'll try and then if in 6 months time we don't get preg. we'll go back well we had that conversation and 2 weeks later I was preg. I just found out it's another boy so my sons will be a year and 2 months apart! Yikes.  

  7. Congratulations!  My you must have had a pretty good birth experience to be able to consider another so soon! :)

    There are many things that can affect/contribute to your fertility.  For instance, are you breastfeeding?  Women who breastfeed exclusively (meaning no solids or formula or pacis) tend to delay ovulating, meaning their fertility does not return as quickly as it otherwise would.

    My best advice is for you to begin scooping up all the info you possibly can that when the time comes you will know what to do and what to look out for.

    My personal favorite book on this subject is "taking charge of your fertility".

    All the best,


  8. it is definitly possible to become pregnant that fast again, be careful right now because you are the most fertile right now as we speak! but i guess it all depends on what you do, if you have changed anything, the kind of birth control you decide to take and so on and so forth.. good luck to you. babies are so much fun. i just love um!

  9. It usually works alot i wouldnt try to early. maybe 2 months be you want to be pregnant start trying..

  10. My first two are less than a year apart..My third one is 5 years apart..I had endometreosis which made conception hard.Do not assume because you got pregnant quickly that you will get pregnant again..Conception difficulties can happen whether you have had kids or not.

  11. I have a 10 month old son and we concieved him the first month trying.  We have been trying for number 2 for 5 months now.  I'm 27.

    my friend concieved her first daughter the first try.  her second daughter took 7 months of trying.

    my mother concieved her first child the first month trying and me (her 2nd)  the second month trying.

    my mil concieved both of her children the first month trying.

    If you didn't have problem the first time it is likely you won't have them the second go round but really you never know.

    Congrats on your baby.  :)

  12. Conceived the first after a week of "Well we won't try to get pregnant (ie charting etc) but we won't try not to get pregnant".

    Conceived the second after one night of "**** it if we get the birth control from the bedroom we are going to wake the baby"

    So they're 20 months apart -good luck!

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