
How long did it take you to find out the Y!A community..?

by  |  earlier

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Is just like anywhere else? All kinds of good and bad.




  1. a few minutes.  

  2. About 7 days after joining. I thought everyone was really nice at first, what a fool I was! Still, there are some nice people in here who always make me laugh.

  3. Less than 24 hours. The minute I disagreed with someone's opinion and told them mine.

    I had no idea that reporting and violations were so subjective back then.

    Silly me.

  4. Well, almost like real life.

    We're kind of at a disadvantage here cause we can't look someone in the eyeball when they are telling you something and it's kind of difficult to sort out the truth from fiction.  

    But, all things being equal, it is about the same.  There are good guys and there are bad guys.  You just can't always be sure which is what or who.

  5. we are just like we are in real life. good for some, bad or sad for others. a bunch of yahooligans, we are!!! to answer your question, i think i found out after about the 3rd week that i started on here. after i got my feet wet, so to speak.

  6. how did i find it?? or what

    no its worse the internet is awful...full of bitter people who can't get jobs pr something...kind of makes me feel slightly depressed..but i suppose it makes you realise

  7. I found out after a couple of months being on here. How sad, but how true.It's just to bad the block option doesn't work in real life.

  8. I knew right off the bat. People are very rude, but without cursing you out.

  9. I noticed that the first day that I came on here.

  10. Not long! The first question I posted on here when I started two years ago went in the wrong section and I got my freaking head ripped off for it! :)

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