
How long did it take you to get good at Volleyball?

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Any volleyball players out there?

I just started playing and it's taking a while for me to learn.

I know it's different for everyone.

I'm just curious.

How long did it take you?




  1. a while

  2. Took me 9 months and I worked my behind off

  3. It took my 2 seasons of volleyball to get good so just keep on practicing! :)

  4. i decided last summer it sounds like fun so i did it tried out and made it im pretty good but need to improve for jv I LOVE VOLLEYBALL :D

  5. i've only been playing for a year but it depends a lot on how much you want it, i've gotten really into the sport and expecially the team so it's all up to you, if you want it bad enough, then you'll get it...sooner or later

  6. After about 5 years I really started getting better and better. It takes a while for it to sink in, if you have no coach, etc etc.

    I'll always say - that the reason why someone else is better than you, is because they played a lot more, practised a lot more, etc etc.

    I would rank one team better than another, because of who got the more experienced players on that team?

    I think it goes for every sport? The more you played the better you are...

    There are practice exercises you can do by yourself. All it takes is to buy a cheap practice volleyball (a cheap ball will take all the hard knocks, especially when playing outside).

    eg. Just throw the ball up and spike it against an outside wall. You will get your timing and jumping just right. If you do that for 20 mins a day - in 2 weeks you should see a big improvement? You can practice setting by yourself - but for digging you really need someone else to practice with. If you can't get another volleyball player, then just someone who will throw the ball at you, and catch it.

    With another volleyball player - you can do anything together - dig, set and spike, without a net.

  7. It took me two years because in the youth league because I wasn't exactly taught how to play, but most of it came naturally. I just have to perfect my skills. Now I'm in 7th grade and I was on our school's team. We were undefeated and we won the tournament.

  8. As long as you make it take. the harder you work the faster you will get better. practice practice practice you have to want to get better. your attitude and work ethic will decide how fast you get really good. it took me about one season, over the summer, and about the beginning of my 8th season so not to long it was a couple of months but i love volleyball and i worked really really hard practicing evryday for at least and hour and sometimes more by myself in my backyard.

  9. Over the summer i praticed and went to a camp but i still could not get my over hand serve over. Then when i got to 7th grade and i made the team i praticed so hard at my over hand serves and i finally didnt get one into the net so it takes awhile Good luck playing v-ball and i hoped i helped

  10. well it might take longer for someone to do it compaired to someone else.(just like you said)

    just practice practice practice!!!

    i dont think you can call yourself "GOOD" intill you hit college or pro's but thats my opinion.


  11. Well..technically I entered the 5/6 volleyball team in Grade 5, but I was pulled out after that, because of a virius I had for most of the season, so I actually 'officially' learned Volleyball in Grade 6, when I started playing for the Grade 6 Volleyball team at my school. A year later, I'm good at it.

    So it took me a year and a quarter.

  12. First year I was pretty good.

    Second year I was best on my team. And this is boys volleyball, with the taller nets.

  13. i started in fourth grade and now i am in sixth grade and i  am pretty good everyone always says wow when i serve and how tall i am so just never give up and just keep on trying you will get the hang of it sooner or later like i did one day i was just practicing and it finally clicked also i went to lots of clinics

    Good luck

    HiHi x3 ;-)

  14. it took me awhile but if you stick to it then yu will obviously get better and what is even better is that you will become more confident. volley is the best way to meet new people

  15. It all depends as you know. I play and i have taken about 2 years to only perfect a few things. Many things i still have to work on. I have a little disadvantage though, b/c im left handed, so it take me longer to adjust to doing the opp. for serving, hitting, etc.

  16. umm... about a year, it generally takes about 2 years but i was playing at a YMCA, school team, and scrimmaging with my sister's highschool team and with all that going on i made the junior states team. so the more you practice the sooner you'll get better.

  17. hey girl

    ive been playing volleyball for 7 years and it didnt take me very long to get good but it may be different for others.

    it really depends on how athletic you are. usually if you are good at tennis or softball than you'll also be good at volleyball. its alot of hand eye cordination and you really have to work hard at it but im sure you can do it!

    good luck!

  18. I just started this year, and it took me about 2 weeks to become an average varsity player.

  19. It probably took me six-seven years since I got to know and got to touch "volleyball", before I was put into some complicated plays. It felt so good when I saw my opponents got confused by my fake pump.

  20. long time

  21. bout 2 yrs for me 2 get good at everything

    best of wishes to ya!!

  22. I've always been a natural my coach says and I've always been really good! :)

  23. well i was introduced to the sport in 6th grade, and i sucked. terribly.

    7th grade i miraculously got better

    8th grade i was captain of my team

    9th i sucked. again, but i made the team

    10th i got better by not practicing.

    so it takes awhile. but its the best sport EVER!!!

  24. uhm about a year! Im a freshman in highschool and im on varsity now! To get good you cant be afraid of the ball. & dont be afriad to hit the floor! You have to really want it to get good!

  25. i started in 3rd grade.....and now im in 10th and still playing.

    i love it! after your first year, it gets easier i promise! just dont give up.

  26. well i got it right away in 4th grade and this year my coach never sat me on the bench and i was the only one, so im not like trying to be conceirted but i miust me good, because i mean out team lost 1 game the whole season.

  27. 6th grade and 7th grade in 8th i roked

  28. I played 2 years in junior high and when I was a sophomore I played Varsity. I skipped the "c" squad and the JV teams

  29. For only took about a month,and then i was excellent within 3 months.

    but every different...

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