
How long did it take you to get pregnant - and what do you think helped you get pregnant?

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I've been TTC my first child for 2.5 years now (feels like forever! lol; and yes, I'm seeing an infertility specialist). Out of curiousity, was just wondering how long it took you ladies to get pregnant, and if you thought there was anything that you felt 'helped' you get pregnant. Be it a medical intervention, ovulation tests, vacation, etc. Feel free to share your stories! :)




  1. it took us 8 months... helped with the timing!

    best wishes to you!

  2. i had s*x three times before i got pregnant

  3. 7 months all up, with one miscarriage in between. After my miscarriage in early March, I pretty much had constant bleeding (with a break of 10 days sometime in April) until mid May. At that point I was well and truly fed up, so begged the homeopathic pharmacy to make the bleeding stop (as my doctor couldn't do anything) and they gave me Vitex. I started taking it on that day, the bleeding stopped, I finally ovulated 1 week later (first time since the miscarriage) then 2 weeks later got my period. It only lasted 5 days that time (yay) and I ovulated on CD23, and conceived! Hopefully I stay pregnant this time. *fingers crossed*

    So, Vitex is what I believe helped me conceive :)

    Good luck to you!

  4. it never has taken me very long to get pregnant the first time it took about four months to get pregnant but even that felt like forever to me because i wanted a baby sooooo bad, i had been dating my now husband for about four years before we got married and when we got married we decided to start our family right away so four months felt like like four years, i can imagine how you must feel.  everyone is so different, my sister has been trying for about three years now and has gotten pregnant twice while taking chlomid (fertility meds) but both ended with miscarriages.  i hope it happens soon for you....will be praying for you.  good luck and God bless!

  5. It took me 3 years to get pregnant the 1st time. We did not see doctors, my doctor kept telling me to wait it out it would happen and it did. I have been on the pill before I was even sexually active for extremely heavy periods, I think that had something to do with it. My husband also switched to boxers instead of briefs a few months prior to me getting pregnant, I have no idea if it did it or not. My older sister told me to get really drunk and it helps you relax more LOL I did that. I still do not know what it was those were just the circumstances for me. My mother had just died as well, my mind was no longer focused on the baby issue for some time. She died a very slow death from cancer and the last year it was horrible so of course I was no longer obsessed with the baby issue. Ironically I became pregnant 4 months after she died, it made for a very emotional pregnancy. Hang in there it will happen in time.

    Be careful though the one and only time we did not use a condom after my first I got pregnant and I was on my period LOL

    I wish you the best of luck.

  6. Well, ive been off the pill for about 3 y ears and wasn't trying at all...the first month i started Fertility Blend w/vitex to try to regulate my period and start charting to avoid pregnancy for now I got pregnant.  So, I was thinking/hoping it would take ages even after we started trying....but no.

  7. I know it is frustrating to try and try and try and nothing happen.  We started trying for number 2 when my son turned one.  A year and a half later it finally happened.  After we spent some money getting all the infertility tests done etc...  I think when I finally stopped stressing so and just put it in the Lords hands it happened.  Honestly if I had gotten pregnant when we first started trying I would not have been prepared for number two.  I believe the Lord knows the right time and it will happen when he wants it to.  My sister in law however had a horrible time getting pregnant and finally they had to use egg donation.  But this is after a few greedy doctors kept insisting she could get pregnant with her own eggs and that was never going to happen.  They spent a lot of money and wasted even more time.  So my advice to you if it does not happen naturally you make sure your fertility doctor has your best interest in mind not his wallets.  Good Luck and I hope it happens!!

  8. ovulex helped me. i tried and tried and tried and tried with no luck :( i took ovulex two different times  - the first time conceived in 3 months, but miscarried. the second i conceived the first month and so far so good! oh! i also used the answer ovulation sticks and had s*x when i thought i was ovulating - those sticks are so hard to read! good luck!

  9. Hmm..I had s*x once with my sons biological father when I was 14 and got pregnant. Then I was raped when I was 17 and got pregnant, but had a miscarrige. So..twice I got pregnant with ONE time s*x...

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