
How long did it take you to get through basic levels 1-8?

by Guest60547  |  earlier

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How long did it take you and how long do you think it will take if the stuff you are doing is really easy and you keep moving up a level?




  1. I think the people who answered previously are talking about ISI. Are you talking about USFS? Because at my rink, it's the basic levels 1-8 and we do USFS, not ISI like the other people are talking about. I at 15 and just started so I'm still in the basic levels. But other people I know at the rink said it didn't take that long, maybe half a year to a year and a half, depending on how fast of a learner you are and how often you go.

    Good luck!

  2. It didn't take me long. The first round of each of them I zipped through and then I stopped doing group lessons. I am now in juvinile level in the USFSA. Also, from the look of your question, it looks like you will probably skip a level, but then you'll just get to be normally awsome. You will probably get through about as fast as I did.

    Good Luck in The Levels!

  3. it really depends on yourself and how well you adapt to skating as for lessons different rinks are closed at different times some are open year round most rinks by me close around may/june for a month

  4. It depends on the individual. Don't compare yourself, it is good to have realistic  goals.


  5. My level is fs 7... There's pre- alpha, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, then fs 1- 10.

    U mean frm pre alpha - fs 8? wow! It took me about 4 yrs to reach fs 7. Te he he he

    Ppl who can't pass fs 5 wont pass fs 6- 10 coz the doubles (jumps) starts in fs 5

  6. i started on basic 2 when i was 9 and took a brake for a year.  now im 13 and on freestyle 2. it doesnt matter thogh because some people stay back or skip a level, which is rare.

  7. maybe about months idonnow!?

    *> <*


  8. well it really depends on how fast you pick up.

    but for me it took me 6 months to complete everything including basic skills and freestyles.  I was about 6 yrs old.

  9. I didn't start figure skating on a preestablished program but at the tenderly young age of almost 15 with next to no previous skating experience I learned the figures of the Basic 8 program in 4 months. At 6 months I was starting to land Waltz jumps.

    Despite the really fast learning time for these easy figures, it still takes you years to make the figures look good and not like a train accident. I still have a lot of trouble doing backwards lunges. ¬¬

  10. i am in freestlye eight so do you mean frestlye's or the very first eight levels? cause the very first ones are tot 1-4, alpha beta, gamma, delta. I depends on if you ballance is good and your coordination. How old you are will probly affect that too.

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