
How long did it take you to go from a meat eating diet to being a vegetarian?

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How long did it take you to wean off meat, fish, poultry?(I'm trying to become a vegetarian and want to make a timeline) Did take a day, a week, a month, a year??




  1. it takes a while, my friend is one and i dont see how she did it, it takes bout a month or 2,,,

  2. Well the one day I decided not to eat meat I have always simply been a vegetarian since that day.  For others that is a difficult thing to do so perhaps you could try giving up 1 type of meat then another and so on gradually until you have cut out everything.  Or you could begin eating less meat then eventually give it up completely.  Hope this helps :)

    I believe that reminding myself exactly why I wished to be a vegetarian helped me have the willpower and dedication to not eat meat.

  3. i didn't do that because it's really hard to do that for me because then i keep reasuring myself that ill quit and then i don't. I just quit cold turkey. MMMMMuuuuumMM cold turkey. "no snap out of it!!!!!"

    I quit because of the disgusting way the treat animals and even when they don't hurt they  slaughter them after their dead.

    You should check out some stuff on youtube that will help you make your finalle decision.

  4. uh  my  sister  just   stopped  one  day  and  hasnt  eaten  meat  in   like  3  years

  5. It took me about a week

  6. It took me about a month.  After I stopped eating pieces of meat I started to read the ingredients in everything packaged.  Did you know that Peak Freans digestive cookies contain tallow (beef fat) and that McDonald's fries are also sprayed with tallow?  Of course, I have since switched back to eating meat and I am loving every bit of it.  Best of luck to you, it's a difficult lifestyle to have to justify to everyone.  Please make sure that you get enough protein in your diet!  There are plenty of meat substitutes out there.  One of the biggest problems that you may experience is anemia.  Hema iron is the type best absorbed by the body and it is found only in meat.  Talk to your physician about an iron supplement - do not start taking one without the advice of your doctor~!  Take care.

  7. egg

  8. usualy it depends on the person I AM NOT ONE buuut i have several friends that are one took her like a day others say its kinda hard to resist so just cut down frequently and then you should be off between 3-7 days

  9. I think from deciding to be a vegetarian to being one, was about a week. I spent the week looking for foods that were suitable for vegetarians. Although it took me about a couple of months to become vegan once I had decided, that was a gradual change.

    I think it is sometimes easier to change your diet gradually, maybe have 1 veggie meal for the first week, then 2 in the second and so on.

    Or start by cutting out beef, then pork, then chicken, then fish or whatever order you like.

    These options also give you time to source veggie food and look at foods that will give you vitamins, minerals and protein.

    You could set yourself a time limit you feel comfortable with and feel it would make the transition easier.

    If you haven't already, make good use of the various veggie websites!

  10. i gave it up "cold tofu" day i decided it was my last day eating meat, and the next day was my first as a vegetarian.  i used to LOVE meat, too.....i ate bacon like i was getting paid to do it.  if i can go veg, anyone can!! =D

  11. lol.... just decided to do it one day.... and from the next day forward to now... no eaten animals on my part.

  12. I had thought about if for a long time. Then one day I just decided, no more meat. I've been a vegetarian ever after.

  13. Five months, no fish, no meat ..... now I am officially a vegetarian for two years .. and counting .

  14. $12.98 a pound for folded proteins.


  15. It took me a day. I became vegetarian overnight after seeing a powerful video called Meet Your Meat.

    It's a good idea to go at your own pace, though.

    This site has a guide to transitioning in a month:

    Good luck!

  16. I just stoped.  So I guess 1 day.  Some people take a few days, some people take a few weeks, and some take a few months or even years.  Its all up to you.

  17. I stopped eating mammals around 20 years ago..I still ate chicken and fish until 4 years ago when I stopped cold turkey.

  18. For me, I can never live without meat!!! Meat is the best. So I always say no to vegan!

  19. i recently started being a vegetarian and slowly reducing what i ate. 2 months ago i stopped eating red meat,cheese,milk,eggs. also against animal fur. then 1 month later cut out chicken as well and now just last week i cut out seafood. And i'm sure i will never go back to eating any of those products. now i have soymilk, legumes, nuts, fruits and vegetables...lots of them. For anyone who wants to know of why it is bad to eat meat and all the reason this is a very helpful site:  

    i wish you the best in sticking with it, as most people find it hard. good luck.

  20. well it kind of just happened with me , i just said , im nto eating meat and then i didnt

    iv been one for about two years now , and sometimes i do crave it but only now and then and only certain meats

    but it depends how much of a meat eater you are , if you eat alot of meat then i would say you will get bigger cravings and should probably cut out your most eaten meat first and then go down the line , eventually stopping.

  21. I'm not a vegetarian.

    I was always a meat eater.

  22. I just stopped one day, originally thinking it would be temporary, and made it permanent.

    It did take a long time to learn about things like gelatin and McDonald's fries.  I probably ate a few things with animal byproducts in the first few years.

  23. I went from omnivore (eating meat, eggs, dairy) to vegan (no meat, eggs, or dairy) overnight back in 2006.

  24. i just stopped instantly.

  25. I tried that before.. Actually, it would depend on the individual if  he or she is really dedicated to be a vegetarian. In my case, it did not work for me coz I cant help my self not to eat meat...  

    You may want to visit under Cooking & Food  for some vegetarian infos...

    Hope this helps... :)

  26. Its completely your will power .... i did it in 1 day....

  27. About a week 4 me

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