
How long did it take you to lose the baby weight?

by Guest10730  |  earlier

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How much did you weigh prepregnancy? At birth?

Did it take you a long time to lose weight? Did you breastfeed?

Just curious.

Im 10 days postpartum and have lost 29 pounds, but I think im too optimistic about losing the rest! My belly is still huge!




  1. before preg. 100 soaking wet, gained 40 while preg. after delivery weighed 120. after 8 months of eating myself out of house and home and not excersizing, back to 140 and still breastfeeding. they say its supposed to all go away if you breastfeeed???? hum i better lay off the ho ho snacks.

  2. i was down 10 ish one week later. I am and did breastfeed. I gained 16 pounds and had a healthy baby girl .She and I are both petite . You will lose it girl !!

    I was 123 before and week after delievery I was 113 now 109 15 month post par.

  3. With my first pregnancy, I started at 110 pounds. By the end of my pregnancy, I was up to 190 pounds. I breastfeed and slipped into my anorexic behavior and lost 70 pounds (weight was 120 pounds) before getting pregnant with my second child (7-8 months after my first child was born). Now I'm 25-weeks pregnant and up to 135 pounds.

    I wouldn't highly recommend starving yourself or not getting enough foods into your body, just make sure you're eating healthy and exercise responsibly. Take care!

  4. hunny congrats on the birth i was 8 stone before being pregnant and at the end abut 9 an a half soon as i gid birth my stomach went back to post pregnancy as with both my pregnancys im now in to the 19th week of my 3rd pergnancy to date ive put on half a stone but more to the point be happy with your self i think society is to worried about aperance aslong as your happy as a person and as a new parent and your new born is happy and well than who cares if your baby weight hasnt gone straight back be happy and good look x  ps i bottle fed both of my children also of course your stomach still looks huge your gonna be swollen 4 a week or 2 you have just given birth  

  5. LOL, I'm still trying 10 months later. The best part is withing the first 6wks I was right back down to my prepregnancy weight...then bam! I put some back on... I hate the whole weight issue!  

  6. before-135

    at end-160

    lost 10 right after

    lost 10 in the following month

    trying to loose the stubborn last 10

    just keep at it and work hard, it will come off :)

  7. Prepregnancy i weighed 156 pounds

    at birth i weighed 159 pounds but i had gestational diabetes so i was losing weight my lost 2 months of pregnancy but my baby was growing just fine.

    At his 2 week check up i weighed 138 so i only lost 20 pounds in 14 days so i would say your doing better than me. The only thing is your not supposed to really work out your stomach for 4-6 weeks because you need to give your uterus time to shrink. Also I am breastfeeding. Just give your self time your not a movie star with millions that can be back to 120 just a week after delivering, know what i mean?

    Congrats on your new bundle of joy!

  8. I didn't gain any weight with my last pregnancy.

    But I hadn't lost my weight from my last pregnancy.

    I weigh 70 lbs extra now since I had my first child over ten years ago.

    Losing 29 lbs is great. Having children is great. Being healthy is great.

    I'm not too worried about the belly in my case, more my health. Congrats on your new one. And I breast fed all of mine.

  9. before 154

    at birth about 180-185

    breastfed and about 7 months later, i was 150

  10. Pre-Pregnancy I weighed 130 Lbs

    At my son's Birth I weighed 150 Lbs

    I breastfeed exclusively for a month then did bottles and breastfeeding and now just nurse at night.

    I am 12 weeks post partum and I have 2 pounds to go!

  11. 145 at 9 months 130 after birth and 2 days. 29 lbs is effing great!!! just keep it up the last few are the hardest. tone tone tone

  12. All you need is a good diet plan with some easy to prepare food to burn off the extra fat.

  13. My daughter's twelve YEARS old and I'm still not down to my prepregnancy weight :(

    Just take your time. Rapid weight loss isn't good for you at any time, not even after having a baby. Though you might like to be a bit quicker than I have been...

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