
How long did it take you to lose your baby weight?

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im 3 1/2 months post pregnancy and finding it difficult to shed the lingering 20 lbs i would like to it difficult to lose weight period after having a child? im currently a SAHM and its hard to find time to do that fast cardio that needs to be done to shed the active though with olivia and ive been watching what i eat..




  1. It was very hard for me to lose weight after having my daughter. It has been a year and I finally got to my pre-pregnancy weight a few months ago. My stomach still looks kind of poochy though. I found that it was easiest to exercise while my daughter was napping. Or put her in the stroller and go for a power walk. It sounds like you are on the right track. Good luck!!

  2. i lost all mine except for about 5 pounds and my son is 2 months and i cant seem to shed it either all i did to loose the weight is went hiking with my son and waled all the time and watch wat u eat

  3. I gained 40 pounds with my first child and lost all but 10 of within a year. It took me another 2 years to get it all off. It would have been quicker had I exercised and ate right. I gained 35 pounds with my second child and lost it all within 2 months. The second time around I paid more attention to what I was eating and worked out. Chasing around after my first born helped too!

  4. i lost all my baby weight (24 lbs) in a couple of weeks after i had my son.

    i really didn't do anything to shed the weight.

    i think breastfeeding did the trick...just keep up watching what u eat and whenever u can do some exercise..that's all i can suggest! good luck! :)

  5. I'm also a SAHM and am almost 4 months post-partum. I gained 53 pounds and have 7 left to lose. I walk 1.5 miles every night with the baby in her stroller and I eat right. Without having time to do high impact cardio, it is tough, but you just have to be vigilant about it. Good luck and you can do it!

  6. I'm in the exact same boat as you.  My son is 3 months old and I still have 20 extra lbs.  I am back to work and it's just as difficult out in the working world with all the "let's have lunch" and the fast food and the "pot lucks".  haha.  and after i get off, go pick up my son who stays half an hour away, and get home there is definitely no time for the gym.  I've just been counting calories and trying to cut out sugary drinks.  i skip breakfast ( i know! i know!) and eat a protein bar for lunch.  by then I've saved so many calories that I can usually eat a normal dinner.  i've lost 6 lbs since my 6 week check up, so its' been a gradual weight-loss with still a long way to go.  

  7. i gained about 65 with my first and although i lost 40 of it pretty quick it wasnt until i started waitressing about 6-8 months postpartum that i lost the rest. with my second i gained about 60 and again lost all but about 10 within the first 3 months and now my son is about 5 months and im still trying to loose the rest. (not trying very hard though. i guess i just dont care anymore)

  8.    Idk, I haven't lost it yet. :-D I had her 2 months ago and i'm finding hard to get back to exercising the way I did before the baby. I used to be very much in shape and now not at all. I wish I could get back to it, but I'm blind and can't run or anything and just never feel motivated to get on the floor and just do it. I still have 20 lbs to lose as well so if you figure it out please let me know. Ttyl and good luck.  

  9. It took me 2 weeks, my sister 8 months, and my best friend a year. It all depends on your body. Do you like the at-home-workouts? I do The Firm and they only take about 30-45 minutes a day. I wait until my daughter is down for one of her naps & I do my cardio.  

  10. I gained fifty pounds and it took me a year to lose. I must say though that I didn't diet or exercise during that year (unless you count running after the baby and not having time to snack as much). I think it takes your body a while to get back to it's normal equilibrium.  I really didn't start to lose much until she was six months old.

    It'll happen. Just treat your body with respect and give it time to recuperate from all the giant changes it had to undertake and it will respond accordingly.

  11. id say 6 months or so. just remember, it took 9 months to gain it, it should take 9 months to lose it!

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