
How long did it take you untill you were any good at driving?

by  |  earlier

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and how many times did you fail?

i hate driving so much and im sooo bad at it and im never gonna pass - EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. well i'm 18 & i'm still not driving! how pathetic is that? all i can say i... just keep trying, just keep trying!

  2. Just no time.

    You must enjoy it to be good.

    And drive a lot to overcome any hesitations.

  3. Passed the first time.

    Good driver....I am a great driver, it is the other people on the road that I am afraid of.

  4. The way to become a good driver is to spend a few months driving a windowless commercial van in Manhattan every day. Forces you to learn how to use your mirrors and to be defensive and creative.

    To become good enough to pass the state driving test? Judging from the drivers on the road ANYONE can do it.

    When I did it, it was just, stop at the red light, execute a left turn, K turn and tell the guy you know how to park because someone else was taking way too long demonstrating his (lack of) parking skills.

  5. people take different amounts of time to pass. you will pass in your own time. dont be presured by anyone. im 19 and hav done numerous amounts of lessons which i started doin when i was 17, and i still havnt passed cuz im scared of doin the test. my mate took 3 yrs to pass! we all learn different and all take different times.

  6. i started learning a year ago today and passed today, on my third attempt!!!  1st few weeks, i thought id NEVER be able to drive, the i got out on the "big" roads and thought i was really good.  Then came the in between bit were i thought i'd never be a proper driver, and each lesson i didnt feel i was getting anywere.  When my instructer said i was ready, i had my test (october) and failed on signalling too soon.  Apart from that i did really well, and it was only after that test i felt like a real driver.  Second test in december, made 1 stupid mistake which failed me, and i finally passed, 3rd time lucky!! Stick with it, its totally worth it!

  7. I passed first time and I'm still not a good driver.

  8. passed 1st time after 8 lessons took me a week to be confident solo peace of p**s

  9. I sympathise- failed mines for the first time the other week but it's totally put me off- feel like I'm never gona be able to do it and can't imagine myself ever getting into a car and driving alone! I suppose it's a self-fulfilling prophecy though- need to be more positive!!!

  10. About 3 hours on suburban roads to be "any good" and about 2 months to be good enough to really drive. I passed first time with a perfect score.

  11. I've failed twice now, the first time ok, was a disaster, but the second time i only got 5 minors and clipped the kerb driving into the test centre car park :(

    But the examiner said it was a very positive drive, and I should be fine next time

  12. It took me five times to pass my test I learnt to drive for 6 years, I had so many ups and downs I thought I would never pass though I had a good instructor who told me everyone learns at their own pace and you can learn to do anything you put your mind too, one of my friends  took seven times to pass but it only took her three years.  Give yourself time to adjust learning to drive is a big step and not easy for some people as it seems for others, the joy of passing, getting your own car and the freedom to drive anyway you like it makes it all worth while.

  13. Passed my test at 18yrs and am now 60yrs and will still be learning when i pop my clogs.

  14. Honestly, the number of times it takes someone to pass the driving test doesn't factor into whether or not they're a good driver (at least not here in the U.S.).  Look at the number of horrible drivers who try to turn left from the far right lane, follow you right on your bumper, can't stay in one lane, don't use turn signals for anything, etc.  They all break so many rules of the road, and yet they got their licenses.

    I passed the test the first time I took it, but I didn't take it until I was about 21.  I didn't have a need to take it, nor did I feel ready to take it, until around that time.  I think waiting a bit longer was good for me.

  15. took me a year and i passed second time

  16. I pass the test the fist time with a score of nearly 80 percent. My only problem was when I parked I had a tendacy to hit the curb. On my written test I passed with 100%.

  17. Kimmy It all boils down to this and attitude is the key not to mention the common word we need to take note of and it is called relaxing and calming down.When I was 19 years old I had been a bit nervous but as time went on I got better because I was deeply focused on the job of driving and obeying all the rules.In driving you have to look both near and far so you can best prepare yourself for anything that comes up and along the road.listen,to all they tell you and maintain your composure and you'll see the results of it all.Nervousness and Pessimism will bring you this word,DEFEAT. Hope I helped you out.

  18. ive had about 14 lessons and i think im a decent driver. you just have to think that everybody learns at sometime in their life, i can garauntee that they made mistakes so whats to worry about, it just takes time thats all.

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