
How long did it take your dog and new kitten to get along!?

by Guest44639  |  earlier

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Just adopted a kitten this morning! introduced her to my 3yr old yorkie. They seemed to do fine for the 30min we let them check each other out and just did a lot of sniffing and following around the house. i went ahead and let my bf take home our yorkie for the evening to help the kitten get acquainted and not to FULLY stress out our yorkie. We'll put them back together tomorrow for a longer period of time ofcourse...


i was just wondering how long did it take for your kitten and dog to get use to each other around the house!??





  1. It took my animals about 5 months. My anti-social 3 year old cairn terrior was very aggressive towards our new 6 month old kitten! My dog is not a fan of sharing. But in your case, your dog seems to do a lot of sniffing, no snapping or chasing, so for you it might take less than a month. And you are using a great a method by having the animals spend a little more time each day! Good luck and enjoy your new kitty!

  2. My 80 lb pit bull loved my 1 lb kitten at first site, but my 55 lb Austrailian Shepard does not like her. She even tried to bite her. We only let the dogs out with the cat when we were around for the first 2 months. Now my kitten is 5 lbs and the shepard tolerates her. She is fast enough and smart enough now to know to not go near that dog. She regularly sleeps and plays with the pit bull and has since day one.

  3. My cat's 18, going 19 (I know, she's really old!). My dogs are 6 & 5 months. They still don't get on, and I don't think they ever will. Both  dogs chase her around all the time. The cat is their entertainment. Our cat just hisses and runs away...she's athritic though, so it's more of a hobble than a run!

  4. I got  two kittens  and one cat took to the dog real fast, but it took a little longer for the other one so ,it was probably a month or two, but now  they follow each other all around the house,and play. My mom also  got a male cat at the shelter they  said he was a kitten ''[He was a big kitten]'' he was actually  2 yrs old , and my mom was like he'll never  get along with the other two cats or the dog  ,she  said he had to go after ,that he was like oh no i'm not going back .. so it took about an  hour  for him  to take to every body ,one cat still doesn't want to be bother with him ,but every now an again they sleep together in the dog bed... so it just depends I guess. Good luck !!

  5. my dog loved ours as soon as we got them the dog tried to play mommy and it's a male dog .

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