
How long did it take your toddler to learn to spoon feed themselves properly after the first started?

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*Sorry that should read after THEY first started, not The.




  1. My youngest was 6 months.  I fed her from the get go and always put a spoon next to her.

  2. about 20 years !  lol.  everyone in our house still makes a bloody mess at mealtimes and the oldest is 45 (not me of course) how they manage to miss a gob that big is beyond me, it's one of life's little mysteries !.

    my kids managed to feed themselves pretty quick, feeding themselves without any mess whatsoever is still an ongoing project.

  3. I've been trying to get my 20 month old son to self-feed for about 10 months!! He can feed himself finger food, but still can REALLy use a spoon or fork! I still have to spoon feed him, although he holds a spoon and jabs at his food at mealtimes.

  4. my son was around 13 months when he actually got the food into his mouth, he was picking up the spoon before that and just throwing it about, hes 16 months now but sometimes just refuses to feed himself, or will use his hands.

    it all depends on the baby.


  5. She's 20 months & still spills most of the stuff off her spoon lol She's used a knife and fork very well but she started that at about 11 months with supervision. I remember my friend getting all stressed about spoon feeding and i didn't understand why, just let them play about and one day they'll get it - she was only 12 months at the time.

    There hands aren't really steady anyway until they are much older  so there will always be plenty of mess.

  6. Well my little boy was feeding himself at one, he picked it up almost straight away but even now ( he's two) he still uses his hands often. He's capable he just doesnt always want to.

  7. Well, my daughter learn to spoon feed herself PROPERLY at about 15 months old. But she started to use spoon at around 8 months.

  8. There is no right or wrong.My first was so stubborn and greedy that it was a struggle to steer the boob, bottle or spoon. Where as my second was a lazy little sod and was happy to wait for some-one to do it for her.

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