
How long did you TTC before help?

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My husband and I have been trying to conceive for the past 5 months. Before that we were just taking the attitude if it happens it happens we weren't trying and we weren't preventing...that has been since November of last year...I stopped taking birth control in October. What I want to know is how long did you TTC before getting help with hormone testing and all that good stuff???




  1. if u don haf nyother health prob, ur cycles r regular, u r ovulating, ur not contracepting...ur initial tests r normal, i.e s***n analysis, ur pelvic ultrsound, urine R/E, Hb, glucose level dan u kan try 4 atleast 1 yr hoping 2 get preg but god forbid if not dan u kan start treatment.....wid hormones....initially ovulation induction n if god forbid not successful dan u hafta do another test 2 c d patency of ur tubes.

    well there r lots of things but prayin u dun haf 2 even c those.

    all d best

  2. I have also tryed OPK's and they don't seem to tell me anything. I always get a neg.  I am now 33 years old and had been on birth control pills for the past 13 years. I have tried the OPK's the past three months I have been off of the pill. Always negative. I do have a friend that is now pregnant and said she never got a positive result either.

  3. It took us 10 lonnng months.  For some friends it took 5. For others, one.  It is just different for every couple.

  4. If you're 35 or over you should see a doctor after 6 mo. If you're younger one year is recommended. I would start counting from Nov if you were having s*x fairly regularly.  We waited 6 mo (we were older) but didn't succeed in conceiving, so we have a beautiful adopted daughter.

  5. I've heard that in couples who have NO fertility problems it can take up to a year sometimes!!   So give it a bit longer, and then maybe look into tests to see if you can pinpoint a problem.  :)

    Good luck!!!

  6. Most doctors want you to try for a year before they help unless you are not ovulating or there is a medical reason you haven't gotten pregnant.  Try doing OPK's to make sure you are ovulating and good luck!!

    EDIT: If OPK's never show + then you might want to go to your doctor and he can give you something to make you ovulate and figure out what the problem is.  I don't ovulate on my own and have irregular periods.  I have PCOS and starting my first cycle of Clomid this week.:)   Just give your dr a call to discuss it...good luck!!

  7. birth control can take effect on your hormones untill 6months after stopping..

    so now you are beyond that, i suggest that u shd see your doctor if you think you need help..

    everybody is different

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